Many thanks for all of the kind anniversary wishes. A lot of members know PublishersMarketplace inside and out, but many people only follow a couple of familiar pathways. So here are a few tips on some cool, lesser-known features! – For starters, if you ever misplace your login information, just use our Password Reminder page. – For literary agents and other publishing professionals, we offer well-priced annual subscriptions to Nielsen Bookscan sales data and bestseller lists, integrated right into your PM account. – For mobile users, we have a purpose-built Contacts app. Not only does it search our Contacts database, […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Late to Our Own Party
We are later than usual in acknowledging the anniversary of — typical for a teenager, now that the site is just over 13 years old. (We actually get to celebrate two birthdays, since Publishers Lunch came first, in early 2000, with as a second start-up the follow year, after the internet bubble burst and just weeks after 9/11. Timing.) On the one hand the numbers have us just passing out of childhood, but of course 13 internet years is like multiple lifetimes. One thing I’ve been thinking about recently is just how crazy this venture is. Absolutely no […]
A Big Boost for Dealmakers
We have gone live at Publishers Marketplace with a significant improvement to individual Dealmakers pages that has been planned for a long time: Whenever we have matching Contact data for agents and editors (or matching Member Pages, or — for agents — matching Who Represents records), that information is automatically displayed on the upper right-hand side of the Dealmaker page, right underneath the Dealmaker rankings. Simple in display (but complicated to execute) it makes our most frequently visited set of pages more comprehensive and more powerful than ever. Built in part on the indexing we created for our big Super […]
New Tracking: Self-Published Bestsellers
With self-published ebooks regularly claiming at least some positions on major bestseller lists, we wanted to move past random data points to some kind of regular monitoring. After weeks of private experimentation, we are ready to make our new process transparent. Tapping our existing stream of aggregated bestsellers lists at PublishersMarketplace (which cover multiple lists from 9 sources), we have added tagging to identify self-published titles. The new output is viewable in a couple of ways. The new PM Self-Published Bestsellers list shows all of the self-published titles to make at least one list we track — and applies a […]
Happy. Anniversary.
We’re feeling pleasantly pre-adolescent this week as we officially celebrate the twelfth anniversary of As always, it’s hard to believe what a longer-than-expected journey this has become. It remains a privilege to serve and be part of a professional community we love, and your support and participation are the driving reasons for our existence. The founding mission of our site remains the same — to help people in publishing find each other and do business together through the internet (later refined to “solving information problems and creating information opportunities for book publishing professionals”). As does our founding promise, to […]
Find and See
We have been busy implementing more refinements at, as you may have already noted. Today we have gone live with the latest (and final) additions to our long-in-the-making sitewide Super Search feature. The biggest expansion is the inclusion of our 10-year database of major bestseller lists. In the past, you could only search this powerful archive by ISBN — but with our new index, the entire database is searchable by author and title, helping to unlock lots of valuable data. We have also rolled in our job listings and rights/proposal board, so Super Search now looks across 13 different […]