With self-published ebooks regularly claiming at least some positions on major bestseller lists, we wanted to move past random data points to some kind of regular monitoring. After weeks of private experimentation, we are ready to make our new process transparent. Tapping our existing stream of aggregated bestsellers lists at PublishersMarketplace (which cover multiple lists from 9 sources), we have added tagging to identify self-published titles. The new output is viewable in a couple of ways. The new PM Self-Published Bestsellers list shows all of the self-published titles to make at least one list we track — and applies a […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Happy. Anniversary.
We’re feeling pleasantly pre-adolescent this week as we officially celebrate the twelfth anniversary of PublishersMarketplace.com. As always, it’s hard to believe what a longer-than-expected journey this has become. It remains a privilege to serve and be part of a professional community we love, and your support and participation are the driving reasons for our existence. The founding mission of our site remains the same — to help people in publishing find each other and do business together through the internet (later refined to “solving information problems and creating information opportunities for book publishing professionals”). As does our founding promise, to […]
Find and See
We have been busy implementing more refinements at PublishersMarketplace.com, as you may have already noted. Today we have gone live with the latest (and final) additions to our long-in-the-making sitewide Super Search feature. The biggest expansion is the inclusion of our 10-year database of major bestseller lists. In the past, you could only search this powerful archive by ISBN — but with our new index, the entire database is searchable by author and title, helping to unlock lots of valuable data. We have also rolled in our job listings and rights/proposal board, so Super Search now looks across 13 different […]
More Search Power
We received a lot of great feedback on our new and expanded Super Search feature at PublishersMarketplace.com the other week. Now we have rolled in our “reviewers” data, and next we’ll be adding our big collection of over 80,000 book reviews from almost 11 years. (After that, if we can figure out a good way to do it, we will fold in our massive database of bestseller data.) The feature is far enough along that we recommend you try it (and bookmark it) as the first place to try for most of your common PM searches. The default setting will […]
Super Summer Searching
We mentioned back in May the beta introduction of our long-in-the-making “Super Search” feature at PublishersMarketplace.com, building a powerful one-stop search engine that looks across multiple PM databases and features. We have ramped up the development and rollout since then, and now Super Search is really beginning to fulfill our aspirations. The biggest addition was the integration of all Publishers Lunch Deluxe news posts as well as the hundreds of thousands of news highlights and links stored in the PL Automat (a secret publishing news search engine in its own right). So now one search provides fast matches across Contacts, […]
Search Better
We have been working for a long time now on a system to help PM members conduct better, faster and more revealing searches on our site–to find what you want, but also to reveal more of the depth and breadth of information from across the site. We’re calling it Super Search, and we’re ready for you to take the early beta for a spin. As you will see, for now it searches all at once across Contacts, Dealmakers, Deals and Member Pages–together some of the most frequently searched and visited PM features. Results are nested in four sub-sections. It searches […]