Answering longstanding requests — and just in time for gift season — we have added the ability to purchase gift memberships to PublishersMarketplace, at any periodicity from one month up to a year. After purchase, you receive a Publishers Marketplace Gift Certificate by email that you can forward to your recipient. On the same theme, remember our hefty 6.7 pound gift idea for your publishing friends, too: Our definitive book on THE TRIAL: The DOJ’s Suit to Block Penguin Random House’s Acquisition of Simon & Schuster remains an amazing document for any publishing library. (We’ve sold more copies this year […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
More Member Page News
With hundreds of beautiful redesigned Member Pages live at our site, now we’ve restored an updated version of the interface that lets you browse those 2,000-plus member pages across all categories. Just look for Member Profiles under our People menu item. To update your Member Page to the new design, just use the “page options” tools at the top of the Your Account page, and make sure to click the red “publish” button after reviewing any changes. And if you have never published a Member Page, now is a great time to give it a try. Nearly 1,000 agents have […]
Looking Good
Hundreds of PM users have updated their Member Pages to the modernized templates that we introduced earlier this week and they look terrific. But that still leaves thousands more pages ready for refreshing. The process is simple: Go to the “page options” section at the top of the Your Account page at PM to check out how your page maps to the new design, make any changes or updates, and then click to “publish” the new version. While you’re in updating mode, consider checking out your PM contact record as well, where you can now submit biographical info that will […]
Modernizing Our Member Pages
Today we unveil the last piece of our more than year-long process to redesign and update A terrific new look for PM Member Pages. You can see a few examples here, here, here and here. In addition to the updated look that’s in harmony with our sitewide redesign, new functionality means that agent and editor pages will automatically pull in your latest deals from our deals database. Our development team has done their best to map the new design to our previous member page templates, so you should not experience any major issues when you update your page (and thanks […]
Expanded Matcher Includes Editors, Too
Over the weekend we went live with our newest update of Matcher, our AI-powered feature that searches and analyzes deals, dealmakers and related data. using natural language descriptions of your work. The new Editor Matcher will help you find editors that “match” your submissions, just as Agent Matcher helps find agents that “match” your manuscript. Editor Matcher works the same way as Agent Matcher, producing a list of the most likely editors who have acquired similar projects and follows with a second list of possible matches to investigate. But with his update, we have significantly upgraded the matching itself — […]
Introducing The New List
Backlist titles increasingly dominate the publishing landscape, comprising approximately 70 percent of all print book sales. The same statistic is true for top selling titles—of the top 200 books in 2022 and 2023, about 70 percent were published more than a year prior. Those older titles monopolize media bestseller lists, including the New York Times, leaving unrecognized many of the books that publishing staff are working on right now. But the original purpose of bestseller lists was to help readers recognize the hot new titles in the market. To help highlight which new titles are selling, we’re proud to announce […]