We’re also unveiling another months-in-the-making upgrade to PublishersMarketplace.com and Publishers Lunch today. The Publishers Lunch news page and archive has left behind the 10-year-old platform we’ve been working with and moved to WordPress, with a new design and a number of new features. For now the change in your daily mail is simple: click any headline and it will take you to the site-based permalink, where we welcome your comments. Also, readers are so accustomed to getting Lunch by e-mail that they often didn’t know how to find the story links to share via blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In the […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
From the Substitute Chef
Publishers Lunch will be specially prepared for your consumption by Sarah Weinman (@sarahw) from today through Friday, August 28, inclusive. Please direct all tips, announcements, articles and complaints to Lunch’s temporary inbox at marketplacetips@gmail.com.
The Most Marketplace: Making Contact
Inspired by a weekend Twitter post from agent Collen Lindsay (“Book Editors: Make sure your listing in Publishers Marketplace is current. It’s free for you to add your contact info”) today’s PublishersMarketplace.com feature highlight is on our popular Contact database. Increasingly the database is used as the “industry phone book” for daily contacts, and our own query audits confirm that the majority of searches is indeed agents and editors looking for each other. We answer about 1,200 contact queries a day, making it one of our most popular features, and the database is available to members only (so it cannot […]
The Most Marketplace: Pages, Links and More
Perhaps one of the biggest “problems” with PublishersMarketplace is that there is too much good stuff crammed in there and people often don’t know how to make the most of it. So we’re going to try a running series of short features/suggestions in case it’s helpful. Long before social networks took off, PM has always provided members the option of an easy-to-post web page (or blog) on our site, forming a community of publishing-focused pages that attracts over 200,000 page views a month. With little or no prompting from us, over 1,500 members have posted pages so far. (The page-posting […]
On Gordon Cader
[This entry was originally sent by email on November 4, 2004, and was not posted to the site. Others wound up reposting it to the web, though those sites have since expired, so this has been posted after the fact and backdated for posterity.] We have an oddly personal relationship going here, you and I, in this daily conversation about publishing that occasionally diverges, from my little wisecracks to broken refrigerators, school events, and back again. As mentioned on Monday, I’ve had anniversaries on my mind this week– though today’s occasion is of an entirely different nature. As a result, […]