The PublishersMarketplace Contacts database has long been one of our most popular features and now we are rolling out a way to make it even more useful: The PM Contacts mobile web app. To load the app on any iOS or Android device, point your browser to: (It will work on modern Blackberry devices as well, but not ancient ones, and most anything that supports jQuery Mobile.) Your device should then show you how to add the app to your home screen with one click. It provides access to the full PM contacts database, plus adds a few great […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
We’re delighted to acknowledge one of those marvelous moments that you never see coming, but you’re always thrilled when they occur: is 10 years old. As always, our greatest thanks go to you, our members and subscribers; we exist to serve the community that supports us. Second on the list is our founding webmaster, still at the helm of this ever-growing codebase, Michael Macrone. It is a little strange and very gratifying to travel the journey from idea to institution before one’s very eyes. The simple idea ten years ago was to create a community center online, for publishing […]
Technology and Treats (Part One: Appiness)
Last year we happily experimented with creating web apps to organize and inform the BEA experience, and now we are back with new and improved versions. Two new features come directly from user feedback: 1. The iOS and Android versions use some HTML 5 magic to work offline as well as online. That means that when the mysterious Javits Center electromagnetic force field renders you unable to connect to either a cell tower or wifi at 21st-century speeds, the Publishers Lunch BEA to Go app will still let you search the events schedule and exhibitor directory. Just make sure that […]
Technology and Treats (Part Two: Bloginess)
We’re also unveiling another months-in-the-making upgrade to and Publishers Lunch today. The Publishers Lunch news page and archive has left behind the 10-year-old platform we’ve been working with and moved to WordPress, with a new design and a number of new features. For now the change in your daily mail is simple: click any headline and it will take you to the site-based permalink, where we welcome your comments. Also, readers are so accustomed to getting Lunch by e-mail that they often didn’t know how to find the story links to share via blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In the […]
From the Substitute Chef
Publishers Lunch will be specially prepared for your consumption by Sarah Weinman (@sarahw) from today through Friday, August 28, inclusive. Please direct all tips, announcements, articles and complaints to Lunch’s temporary inbox at
The Most Marketplace: Making Contact
Inspired by a weekend Twitter post from agent Collen Lindsay (“Book Editors: Make sure your listing in Publishers Marketplace is current. It’s free for you to add your contact info”) today’s feature highlight is on our popular Contact database. Increasingly the database is used as the “industry phone book” for daily contacts, and our own query audits confirm that the majority of searches is indeed agents and editors looking for each other. We answer about 1,200 contact queries a day, making it one of our most popular features, and the database is available to members only (so it cannot […]