We have been working away on the big PublishersMarketplace.com redesign since June and over the weekend we went live with some of the biggest and best improvements yet. Everything Dealmakers, from individual pages to the hundreds of customizable lists, now has a new look. Each Dealmaker page features an enhanced “info box” on the left; simplified deal metadata; visualizations of Notable Titles; and color charts to track — and click through to — deals across our sub-categories. That “info box” will now show a picture or logo when available, along with a brief bio. For people who have a posted […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Call for Spring/Summer Season Preview Listings
Our forthcoming Buzz Books 2024: Spring/Summer samplers will include, as usual, extensive seasonal preview/overview listings of notable titles on the way. We compile these big roundups by looking at publisher catalogs; our own comprehensive monthly lists of significant forthcoming books; hints from our substantial flow of deal reports; aggregation of “anticipated books” lists from other publications; word-of-mouth within the industry; and more. If you have notable spring/summer titles you would like to have considered for the preview list — particularly ones you are concerned we might have missed from the regular signals, along with drop-ins and rescheduled releases — now […]
The Classics
As you adjust to our new look at Pubishers Marketplace, it’s worth underscoring that the revised “screenshot view” preserves and refreshes our classic look for those who like things old school. When you bring up screenshot view, where you see “Version:“, just click down on the menu to get the classic image: Also, for those of you who like the “New for you” counters that show the number of recently posted deals (and other updates) since your last visit to the site, that feature has been relocated to the top of the Your Account page.
That’s Different
Last week we went live with the first phase of a big project to refresh and redesign the look of PublishersMarketplace.com. New for now is the home page, everything that displays or interacts with deals, and the menus at the top and bottom of all pages throughout the site. Also new is a choice of formats for the “screenshot view” that helps people share their deals on social media, adding a “new style” design while preserving a gently updated “classic style” option as well. You will see more new page designs rolling in as they are completed and programmed over […]
Buzz Books Fall/Winter Season Preview
Earlier this week we launched our Buzz Book 2023: Fall/Winter sampler, with excerpts from an array of great forthcoming literary and debut fiction. If you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, the “trade edition” is available now from NetGalley and Edelweiss. or find the consumer editions all linked at our main Buzz Books website. As usual, we begin our free ebook with a broad overview of the upcoming publishing season, featuring hundreds of notable titles on the way. We’ll be presenting extracts from that season preview in the coming days, beginning here with our full list of literary fiction for the fall/winter season, alphabetically by author. Titles […]
Register Today for Our Next Buzz Books Editors Panel
You can read excerpts from the featured titles in our free ebook Buzz Books 2023: Fall/Winter, packed with 61 pre-publication excerpts from major authors and debuts. For the trade editions—with publicity and marketing info, and click-throughs for full galleys, you can download through NetGalley or Edelweiss. The consumer editions of Buzz Books 2023: Fall/Winter are available now on all major ebook platforms, including Kindle, Nook, Apple, Kobo and Google Play. (Buzz Books is a trademark of Cader Company Inc.)