Starting tomorrow, December 29, we have one more chance for people to check out for a full month at a substantial discount. Use the code PM4ME from December 29 through January 2 to get the first month’s membership for only $15, and finish (or begin) the year with a wealth of research and information. Feel free to share the code with friends; make sure to put the code in the indicated “Promo Code: ___” field when registering.
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Holiday News
We are moving into our traditional holiday mode at PM, which is different than many other publications. Our website operates all the time, and we’ll be processing deals, job openings, bestsellers, reviews, Bookscan sales and other data at our site on a regular basis. We’ll continue to cover the news, posting to Publishers Marketplace as appropriate. (A reminder that our News App makes it easy to follow the latest posts and updates on your mobile device.) Publishers Lunch Deluxe will be back at some point next week, with at least one catch-up newsletter to keep from falling too far behind. […]
A Holiday Discount
The holidays mean time to offer a substantial discount on new memberships. You can try a deep dive into the full resources of our site over the next month, if you give yourself the gift of registration now. Use the “promo code” IGOTPM in the indicated field when you register and enjoy the first month of service for just $15. Feel free to share this offer with anyone you think might be interested. (Please note, you must enter code in the “Promo Code: ___” box when registering to work.) This code is valid through December 27 only.
Commemorating Now, Celebrating Later: A PM Generation
This endless Covid year has taken away or suppressed all kinds of things, large and small. Along the way we ourselves passed a couple of occasions of note: First was the 20th anniversary of the start of Publishers Lunch, right after the lockdown began, in April 2020. And now we have arrived at the 20th anniversary of We’re not ready to party together yet — we’ll hope for that by next year, when we reach drinking age — but we didn’t want to let another milestone slip by without a short acknowledgment. It was, of course, simply unimaginable when […]
Last Call for Buzz Books 2022: Spring/Summer
If you haven’t submitted your title nominations for the forthcoming Buzz Books 2022: Spring/Summer sampler, you need to do so by Friday, October 15. For more information, or if you missed your invitation, please contact Robin Dellabough, We’ll have a separate call/reminder for flagging your notable titles for our big seasonal previews, so stay tuned.
Our next Discuss AMA: Agent Johanna Castillo this Wednesday
Join literary agent Johanna Castillo at Publishers Marketplace’s online Discuss forum, this Wednesday, September 29 at noon Eastern – to ask questions about how to find the right agent, how best to work with your agent, or anything else that pertains to agents. No need to sign up in advance, simply log on to PM, then use this link to get to Discuss. Castillo is a senior agent at Writers House, formerly vp and executive editor at Atria and editorial director of Atria Español. In that role, she acquired and edited 41 New York Times bestsellers by multiple authors including […]