Join literary agent Johanna Castillo at Publishers Marketplace’s online Discuss forum, this Wednesday, September 29 at noon Eastern – to ask questions about how to find the right agent, how best to work with your agent, or anything else that pertains to agents. No need to sign up in advance, simply log on to PM, then use this link to get to Discuss. Castillo is a senior agent at Writers House, formerly vp and executive editor at Atria and editorial director of Atria Español. In that role, she acquired and edited 41 New York Times bestsellers by multiple authors including […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Today at Noon: AMA with Oprah Book Club’s Editorial Director, Leigh Haber
Don’t miss Leigh Haber, editorial director for Oprah’s Book Club and the books director for O Quarterly and Oprah Daily, online at this Publishers Marketplace link today at noon Eastern. The latest guest on our Discuss forum, Leigh will answer your questions about book clubs and more. A reminder that these are straightforward typed message board conversations. No cameras, no sound, no zooming, no separate apps required. Use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Leigh will post back.
Tomorrow at Noon: AMA with Oprah Book Club’s Editorial Director, Leigh Haber
Join Leigh Haber, editorial director for Oprah’s Book Club and the books director for O Quarterly and Oprah Daily, online at this Publishers Marketplace link tomorrow September 15th at noon Eastern. The latest guest on our Discuss forum, Leigh will answer your questions about book clubs and more. A reminder that these are straightforward typed message board conversations. No cameras, no sound, no zooming, no separate apps required. Use the “reply” button to type your questions or comments, and Leigh will post back.
Leigh Haber, Editorial Director, Oprah’s Book Club, Kicks Off Our Fall Discuss Series
Join us Wednesday, September 15 at noon eastern to ask editorial director for Oprah’s Book Club Leigh Haber your questions. She is the next of our featured regular guests in the PM user forum, Discuss. We took a little summer break and now will return with a new expert guest every two weeks. Check here to see the full roster for the rest of the season to add to your calendar now. These AMAs are straightforward, typed message board conversations. No cameras, no sound, no zooming, no separate apps required. So ask away and feel free to post questions in advance. […]
Last Day For Our Summer Sale
We’ve already had a great reception for our experimental Summer Sale — and today is the last day for this offer. Use the promo code summer21 in the provided box when you enroll and get $10 off the first month’s membership fee (a 40 percent reduction). The code expires at the end of the day today. Feel free to alert anyone who might be interested.
A Summer Sale
I’m not sure we have ever done this before, but it has been a long time since we have offered any kind of discount at PublishersMarketplace. So we are trying a little summer sale this week. Use the promo code summer21 in the provided box when you enroll and get $10 off the first month’s membership fee (a 40 percent reduction). The code will work through lucky Friday the 13th. Also note, for another value approach to our deep resources at PM, earlier this year we introduced a Quick Pass option — providing short-term use of the site for a […]