Here is our list of notable new releases due for publication in February 2022 — in a format that includes imprint info, and allows you resort the list by clicking the up/down arrows. This selection is our editorial aggregation from a wide variety of sources including bookseller and librarian lists, wholesaler top buys, Publishers Lunch Buzz Books and seasonal forecasts, well-known authors, news items and more. Once published, you can find them listed in the New Releases section at Bookateria. Lists are available at PM looking forward two to three months for reference purposes, and are updated live as on-sale dates and other information changes. Click for December and January lists.
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978-0063137929 | Black Girls Must Be Magic | Allen, Jayne | 2/1 | Perennial |
978-0063000889 | Count Your Lucky Stars | Bellefleur, Alexandria | 2/1 | Avon |
978-1335425737 | Don't Cry for Me | Black, Daniel | 2/1 | Hanover Square |
978-0593231296 | Catch Her When She Falls | Buccola, Allison | 2/1 | Random House |
978-0063051256 | Beautiful Little Fools | Cantor, Jillian | 2/1 | Harper |
978-1250242181 | Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead | Cosimano, Elle | 2/1 | Minotaur |
978-0593197561 | Honey Roasted | Coyle, Cleo | 2/1 | Berkley |
978-0593156629 | The Violence | Dawson, Delilah S. | 2/1 | Del Rey |
978-1525804694 | A Lullaby for Witches | Fox, Hester | 2/1 | Graydon House |
978-1250274618 | The Christie Affair | Gramont, Nina de | 2/1 | St. Martin's |
978-0063137776 | Free Love | Hadley, Tessa | 2/1 | Harper |
978-0061763304 | Mercy Street | Haigh, Jennifer | 2/1 | Ecco |
978-0593320662 | The Pages | Hamilton, Hugo | 2/1 | Knopf |
978-0593185346 | What the Fireflies Knew | Harris, Kai | 2/1 | Tiny Reparations |
978-0385547352 | Other People's Clothes | Henkel, Calla | 2/1 | Doubleday |
978-0316459273 | The Goodbye Coast | Ide, Joe | 2/1 | Mulholland |
978-1525806476 | The Liz Taylor Ring | Janowitz, Brenda | 2/1 | Graydon House |
978-0593319895 | Thank You, Mr. Nixon | Jen, Gish | 2/1 | Knopf |
978-1982187637 | Vladimir | Jonas, Julia May | 2/1 | Avid Reader |
978-1641293617 | Reader, I Buried Them & Other Stories | Lovesey, Peter | 2/1 | Soho Crime |
978-0593315033 | Recitatif | Morrison, Toni | 2/1 | Knopf |
978-0778386384 | Last Woman Seen | Parks, Adele | 2/1 | Mira |
978-1644450758 | Men in My Situation | Petterson, Per | 2/1 | Graywolf |
978-1644450765 | Echoland | Petterson, Per | 2/1 | Graywolf |
978-0593315415 | The Violin Conspiracy | Slocumb, Brendan | 2/1 | Anchor |
978-0062905598 | A Game of Fear | Todd, Charles | 2/1 | Morrow |
978-0593087480 | The Books of Jacob | Tokarczuk, Olga | 2/1 | Riverhead |
978-0593358337 | Black Cake | Wilkerson, Charmaine | 2/1 | Ballantine |
978-1641292474 | Jane and the Year without a Summer | Barron, Stephanie | 2/8 | Soho Crime |
978-1538721391 | Nobody's Magic | Birdsong, Destiny O. | 2/8 | Grand Central |
978-1643751061 | Clean Air | Blake, Sarah | 2/8 | Algonquin |
978-0063019904 | The Great Mrs. Elias | Chase-Riboud, Barbara | 2/8 | Amistad |
978-1250792778 | A Very Nice Girl | Crimp, Imogen | 2/8 | Holt |
978-0063065345 | Shadows of Pecan Hollow | Frost, Caroline | 2/8 | Morrow |
978-1250252302 | Dark Horse | Hurwitz, Gregg | 2/8 | Minotaur |
978-1101885086 | With Love from London | Jio, Sarah | 2/8 | Ballantine |
978-0525618584 | City of the Dead | Kellerman, Jonathan | 2/8 | Ballantine |
978-0063138247 | Nightshift | Ladner, Kiare | 2/8 | Custom House |
978-0593241226 | Very Cold People | Manguso, Sarah | 2/8 | Hogarth |
978-0593185384 | Cherish Farrah | Morrow, Bethany C. | 2/8 | Dutton |
978-0593422908 | When We Lost Our Heads | O'Neill, Heather | 2/8 | Riverhead |
978-1250759559 | Echo | Olde Heuvelt, Thomas | 2/8 | Nightfire |
978-1250278210 | Abandoned in Death | Robb, J. D. | 2/8 | St. Martin's |
978-0778311706 | The Last Grand Duchess | Turnbull, Bryn | 2/8 | Mira |
978-0316421843 | Age of Ash | Abraham, Daniel | 2/15 | Orbit |
978-1250781734 | The Deepest of Secrets | Armstrong, Kelley | 2/15 | Minotaur |
978-1538746707 | Death of a Green-Eyed Monster | Beaton, M. C. | 2/15 | Grand Central |
978-1982175566 | The Selfless Act of Breathing | Bola, JJ | 2/15 | Atria |
978-0593098998 | Sierra Six | Greaney, Mark | 2/15 | Berkley |
978-0374603946 | Pure Colour | Heti, Sheila | 2/15 | FSG |
978-0735220201 | Moon Witch, Spider King | James, Marlon | 2/15 | Riverhead |
978-0063089143 | The Cage | Kistler, Bonnie | 2/15 | Harper |
978-1250238948 | The Thousand Eyes | Larkwood, A. K. | 2/15 | Tor |
978-1982171933 | The Boy with a Bird in His Chest | Lund, Emme | 2/15 | Atria |
978-1635574074 | House of Sky and Breath | Maas, Sarah J. | 2/15 | Bloomsbury |
978-0593355688 | The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post | Pataki, Allison | 2/15 | Ballantine |
978-1982158804 | Our American Friend | Pitoniak, Anna | 2/15 | S&S |
978-1538736753 | Diablo Mesa | Preston, Douglas | 2/15 | Grand Central |
978-0593197295 | An Impossible Impostor | Raybourn, Deanna | 2/15 | Berkley |
978-0063055988 | A River Enchanted | Ross, Rebecca | 2/15 | Voyager |
978-0593297940 | Chilean Poet | Zambra, Alejandro | 2/15 | Viking |
978-1524748111 | When I'm Gone, Look for Me in the East | Barry, Quan | 2/22 | Pantheon |
978-0593300565 | Life Without Children | Doyle, Roddy | 2/22 | Viking |
978-0802159199 | Black Cloud Rising | Falade, David Wright | 2/22 | Grove |
978-0063003057 | The Paris Apartment | Foley, Lucy | 2/22 | Morrow |
978-0063010062 | Nothing to Lose | Jance, J. A. | 2/22 | Morrow |
978-1982158651 | The Berlin Exchange | Kanon, Joseph | 2/22 | Scribner |
978-0063082588 | Fake | Katz, Erica | 2/22 | Harper |
978-0593185209 | Tripping Arcadia | Mayquist, Kit | 2/22 | Dutton |
978-1538754634 | The Midnight Ride | Mezrich, Ben | 2/22 | Grand Central |
978-1250809216 | Wildcat | Morris, Amelia | 2/22 | Flatiron |
978-0593321331 | The Swimmers | Otsuka, Julie | 2/22 | Knopf |
978-1982153984 | Wish You Were Gone | Scott, Kieran | 2/22 | Gallery |
978-0593100080 | This Might Hurt | Wrobel, Stephanie | 2/22 | Berkley |
978-0063001053 | No Second Chances | Youers, Rio | 2/22 | Morrow |
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978--0802159106 | Crown & Sceptre | Borman, Tracy | 2/1 | Atlantic Monthly |
978-1982163341 | Dignity in a Digital Age | Khanna, Ro | 2/1 | S&S |
978-1250276872 | The Black Agenda | Opoku-Agyeman & Anna Gifty | 2/1 | St. Martin's |
978-0735210653 | The Power of Regret | Pink, Daniel H. | 2/1 | Riverhead |
978-0374605322 | Eating to Extinction | Saladino, Dan | 2/1 | FSG |
978-1250776747 | In the Shadow of the Mountain | Vasquez-Lavado, Silvia | 2/1 | Holt |
978-1324003489 | Heartbreak | Williams, Florence | 2/1 | Norton |
978-1328957818 | Sickening | Abramson, John | 2/8 | Mariner |
978-0358447757 | White Lies | Baime, A. J. | 2/8 | Mariner |
978-0593316283 | Love in the Time of Contagion | Kipnis, Laura | 2/8 | Pantheon |
978-0735217959 | The Nineties | Klosterman, Chuck | 2/8 | Penguin |
978-0525658719 | Home/Land | Mead, Rebecca | 2/8 | Knopf |
978-1524745929 | The Founders' Fortunes | Randall, Willard Sterne | 2/8 | Dutton |
978-0393867756 | The Authority Gap | Sieghart, Mary Ann | 2/8 | Norton |
978-1984878991 | Red Carpet | Schwartzel, Erich | 2/8 | Penguin |
978-0393867671 | Smashing Statues | Thompson, Erin L. | 2/8 | Norton |
978-006305858 | The Naked Don't Fear the Water | Aikins, Matthieu | 2/15 | Harper |
978-1982108120 | Lincoln and the Fight for Peace | Avlon, John | 2/15 | S&S |
978-1524759186 | The Quiet Before | Beckerman, Gal | 2/15 | Crown |
978-0063074774 | The President's Man | Chapin, Dwight | 2/15 | Morrow |
978-059324143 | The Impossible City | Cheung, Karen | 2/15 | Random House |
978-0593298541 | Black American Refugee | Drayton, Tiffanie | 2/15 | Viking |
978-1982139162 | Watergate | Graff, Garrett M. | 2/15 | Avid Reader |
978-1250270238 | The Treeline | Rawlence, Ben | 2/15 | St. Martin's |
978-0525657705 | America Second | Stone Fish, Isaac | 2/15 | Knopf |
978-0593539828 | Level Up | Abrams, Stacey | 2/22 | Portfolio |
978-0802159106 | Crown & Sceptre | Borman, Tracy | 2/22 | Atlantic Monthly |
978-0593238103 | What My Bones Know | Foo, Stephanie | 2/22 | Ballantine |
978-0375425066 | The Perfect Sound | Hongo, Garrett | 2/22 | Pantheon |
978-0593298046 | Healing | Insel, Thomas | 2/22 | Penguin |
978-1250279200 | The Revenge of Power | Naim, Moises | 2/22 | St. Martin's |
978-1982179731 | The Duchess Countess | Ostler, Catherine | 2/22 | Atria |
978-1501199233 | Salmon P. Chase | Stahr, Walter | 2/22 | S&S |
978-0358437697 | The First Kennedys | Thompson, Neal | 2/22 | Mariner |
978-1250272836 | Funny Farm | Zaleski, Laurie | 2/22 | St. Martin's |
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978-1335418647 | The Iron Sword | Kagawa, Julie | 2/1 | Inkyard |
978-0593309155 | Required Reading for the Disenfranchised Freshman | Lee, Kristen R | 2/1 | Crown |
978-0062972446 | This Woven Kingdom | Mafi, Tahereh | 2/1 | Harper |
978-1368060677 | Midnight Horizon | Older, Daniel | 2/1 | Disney Lucasfilm |
978-1338679113 | Fire Becomes Her | Thor, Rosiee | 2/1 | Scholastic |
978-1250797193 | These Deadly Games | Urban, Diana | 2/1 | Wednesday Books |
978-1649370600 | Court | Wolff, Tracy | 2/1 | Entangled |
978-0593109977 | Sunny G's Series of Rash Decisions | Dhillon, Navdeep Singh | 2/8 | Dial |
978-0823447183 | No Filter and Other Lies | Maldonado, Crystal | 2/8 | Holiday House |
978-1250797308 | Ophelia After All | Marie, Racquel | 2/8 | Feiwel & Friends |
978-1335418654 | You Truly Assumed | Sabreen, Laila | 2/8 | Inkyard |
978-1250297228 | The Greatest Thing | Searle, Sarah Winifred | 2/8 | First Second |
978-1547607372 | Golden Boys | Stamper, Phil | 2/8 | Bloomsbury |
978-1626722736 | Cold | Tamaki, Mariko | 2/8 | Roaring Brook |
978-0063071780 | Lulu and Milagro's Search for Clarity | Velez, Angela | 2/8 | Balzer & Bray |
978-1250768841 | Bright Ruined Things | Cohoe, Samantha | 2/15 | Wednesday Books |
978-1250790637 | Reclaim the Stars | Cordova, Zoraida | 2/15 | Wednesday Books |
978-0593309032 | Bitter | Emezi, Akwaeke | 2/15 | Knopf |
978-1324017110 | Even When Your Voice Shakes | Goka, Ruby Yayra | 2/15 | Norton |
978-0593303450 | Spearhead (YA Edition) | Makos, Adam | 2/15 | Delacorte |
978-0063039322 | The Chandler Legacies | Nazemian, Abdi | 2/15 | Balzer & Bray |
978-0062696632 | Extasia | Legrand, Claire | 2/22 | Katherine Tegen Books |
978-0063024649 | Only a Monster | Len, Vanessa | 2/22 | Harper Teen |
978-1250755537 | Daughters of a Dead Empire | O'Neil, Carolyn Tara | 2/22 | Roaring Brook |
978-1250780867 | The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea | Oh, Axie | 2/22 | Feiwel & Friends |
978-125077978-6 | Full Flight | Schumacher, Ashley | 2/22 | Wednesday Books |