Here is our list of notable new releases due for publication in November 2019 — in a format that includes imprint info, and allows you resort the list by clicking the up/down arrows. This selection is our editorial aggregation from a wide variety of sources including bookseller and librarian lists, wholesaler top buys, Publishers Lunch Buzz Books and seasonal forecasts, well-known authors, news items and more. Once published, you can find them listed in the New Releases section at Bookateria. Lists are available at PM looking forward two to three months for reference purposes, and are updated live as on-sale dates and other information changes. Click for September and October lists.
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978-0802148032 | Secret Service | Bradby, Tom | 11/5 | Atlantic Monthly |
978-1501171703 | Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry | Clark, Mary Higgins | 11/5 | S&S |
978-0525541813 | Dead Quiet | Cussler, Clive | 11/5 | Putnam |
978-1524747695 | The Little Blue Kite | Danielewski, Mark | 11/5 | Pantheon |
978-0802147400 | The Old Success | Grimes, Martha | 11/5 | Atlantic Monthly |
978-1501190100 | The Family Upstairs | Jewell, Lisa | 11/5 | Atria |
978-1501121425 | The Accomplice | Kanon, Joseph | 11/5 | Atria |
978-0393635645 | Heart of Darkness | Kuper, Peter | 11/5 | Norton |
978-0385541213 | The Starless Sea | Morgenstern, Erin | 11/5 | Doubleday |
978-0765398741 | Tell Me No Lies | Noble, Shelley | 11/5 | Forge |
978-1641290821 | What Burns | Peck, Dale | 11/5 | Soho |
978-0525621010 | A Christmas Gathering | Perry, Anne | 11/5 | Ballantine |
978-1324002895 | 36 Righteous Men | Pressfield, Steven | 11/5 | Norton |
978-0525538110 | On Swift Horses | Pufahl, Shannon | 11/5 | Riverhead |
978-0316485340 | Little Weirds | Slate, Jenny | 11/5 | Little, Brown |
978-1534439863 | The Deep. Saga | Solomon, Rivers | 11/5 | Gallery |
978-1984805652 | City of Scoundrels | Thompson, Victoria | 11/5 | Berkley |
978-0316398985 | The Age of Anxiety | Townshend, Peter | 11/5 | Hachette |
978-0316454933 | Queen of the Conquered | Callender, Kheryn | 11/12 | Orbit |
978-0062473271 | The Andromeda Evolution | Crichton, Michael | 11/12 | Harper |
978-0385545426 | The Innocents | Crummey, Michael | 11/12 | Doubleday |
978-1641290159 | Queen of Bones | Dovalpage, Teresa | 11/12 | Soho Crime |
978-0316509725 | Nothing More Dangerous | Eskens, Allen | 11/12 | Mulholland |
978-0399180194 | Twisted Twenty-Six | Evanovich, Janet | 11/12 | Putnam |
978-1101874912 | Think, Write, Speak | Nabokov, Vladimir | 11/12 | Knopf |
978-0316316842 | The Pursuit of William Abbey | North, Claire | 11/12 | Orbit |
978-1984805362 | Man's 4th Best Hospital | Shem, Samuel | 11/12 | Berkley |
978-0316449755 | Realm of Ash | Suri, Tasha | 11/12 | Orbit |
978-1250170408 | Lethal Pursuit | Thomas, Will | 11/12 | Minotaur |
978-1250078148 | The Dog I Loved | Wilson, Susan | 11/12 | St. Martin's |
978-0525536826 | Robert B. Parker’s Angel Eyes | Atkins, Ace | 11/19 | Putnam |
978-1538761601 | A Minute to Midnight | Baldacci, David | 11/19 | Grand Central |
978-1984855176 | The Confession Club | Berg, Elizabeth | 11/19 | Random House |
978-0525541721 | Tom Clancy Code of Honor | Cameron, Marc | 11/19 | Putnam |
978-1250103482 | Twenty-One Truths About Love | Dicks, Matthew | 11/19 | St. Martin's |
978-0525656692 | The Second Sleep | Harris, Robert | 11/19 | Knopf |
978-1250317926 | Murder Off the Page | Lehane, Con | 11/19 | Minotaur |
978-0374538583 | Wake, Siren | MacLaughlin, Nina | 11/19 | FSG |
978-1101871935 | Mary Toft; or, The Rabbit Queen | Palmer, Dexter | 11/19 | Pantheon |
978-0316526883 | Criss Cross | Patterson, James | 11/25 | Little, Brown |
978-1616209759 | Tiny Love | Brown, Larry | 11/26 | Algonquin |
978-0593130001 | Scarlet Fever | Brown, Rita May | 11/26 | Ballantine |
978-0062563217 | Sword of Kings | Cornwell, Bernard | 11/26 | Harper |
978-1590519356 | NVK | Drake, Temple | 11/26 | Other Press |
978-1984804303 | Murder, She Wrote | Fletcher, Jessica & Jon Land | 11/26 | Berkley |
978-0399592300 | Under Occupation | Furst, Alan | 11/26 | Random House |
978-1324003977 | The Depositions | Lynch, Thomas | 11/26 | Norton |
978-1335917843 | Net Force | Preisler, Jerome | 11/26 | Hanover Square |
978-1250123039 | The Rise of Magicks | Roberts, Nora | 11/26 | St. Martin's |
978-0399179440 | Spy | Steel, Danielle | 11/26 | Delacorte |
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978-1631490293 | Listening for America | Kapilow, Rob | 11/4 | Liveright |
978-0062952394 | Chika | Albom, Mitch | 11/5 | Harper |
978-0451494863 | The Lost Art of Scripture | Armstrong, Karen | 11/5 | Knopf |
978-1101874066 | The Movie Musical! | Basinger, Jeanine | 11/5 | Knopf |
978-0374138219 | Desk 88 | Brown, Sherrod | 11/5 | FSG |
978-1538715284 | The Great Pretender | Cahalan, Susannah | 11/5 | Grand Central |
978-1982101244 | Life Is Magic | Dorenbos, Jon | 11/5 | Avid Reader |
978-1250133908 | A Marvelous Life | Fingeroth, Danny | 11/5 | St. Martin's |
978-1455530533 | Acid for the Children | Flea | 11/5 | Grand Central |
978-1984823984 | Don’t Be Evil | Foroohar, Rana | 11/5 | Currency |
978-0385544405 | Sandworm | Greenberg, Andy | 11/5 | Doubleday |
978-1982129972 | We Are Indivisible | Greenberg, Leah & Ezra Levin | 11/5 | Signal Press |
978-1631494796 | How To Make It in the New Music Business | Herstand, Ari | 11/5 | Liveright |
978-1328871435 | The Winter Army | Isserman, Maurice | 11/5 | HMH |
978-1250119384 | Wounded Shepherd | Ivereigh, Austen | 11/5 | Holt |
978-1335917836 | Moving Forward | Jean-Pierre, Karine | 11/5 | Hanover Square |
978-1335005564 | All Blood Runs Red | Keith, Phil | 11/5 | Hanover Square |
978-0525540533 | Sam Houston and the Alamo Avengers | Kilmeade, Brian | 11/5 | Sentinel |
978-1616205607 | Our Wild Calling | Louv, Richard | 11/5 | Algonquin |
978-1982100032 | Checkpoint Charlie | MacGregor, Iain | 11/5 | Scribner |
978-1644450031 | In the Dream House | Machado, Carmen Maria | 11/5 | Graywolf |
978-1631494963 | Mudlark | Maiklem, Lara | 11/5 | Liveright |
978-0062959874 | The Art & Science of Respect | Prince, James | 11/5 | Amistad |
978-1501197628 | Mobituaries | Rocca, Mo | 11/5 | S&S |
978-1250150660 | The Arab of the Future 4 | Sattouf, Riad | 11/5 | Metropolitan |
978-0451493651 | The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti | Secrrest, Meryle | 11/5 | Knopf |
978-0802128478 | The Finance Curse | Shaxson, Nicholas | 11/5 | Grove |
978-0374252960 | The Russian Job | Smith, Douglas | 11/5 | FSG |
978-0525428817 | Love Unknown | Travisano, Thomas | 11/5 | Viking |
978-1546086031 | Triggered | Trump Jr., Donald | 11/5 | Center Street |
978-0062684752 | How Money Became Dangerous | Varelas, Christopher & Dan Stone | 11/5 | Ecco |
978-0316449885 | The Witches Are Coming | West, Lindy | 11/5 | Hachette |
978-0525510840 | It’s Garry Shandling’s Book | Apatow, Judd | 11/12 | Random House |
978-0385542456 | Parisian Lives | Bair, Deirdre | 11/12 | Nan A. Talese |
978-0316449656 | Citizen 865 | Cenziper, Debbie | 11/12 | Hachette |
978-1524742843 | A Song for You | Crawford, Robyn | 11/12 | Dutton |
978-1501184161 | The Right Kind of Crazy | Emerson, Clint | 11/12 | Atria |
978-1250266552 | With All Due Respect | Haley, Nikki | 11/12 | St. Martin's |
978-1250221766 | Agent Jack | Hutton, Robert | 11/12 | St. Martin's |
978-1250112873 | Life Isn’t Everything | Kashner, Sam & Ash Carter | 11/12 | Holt |
978-1627792486 | All Hell Breaking Loose | Klare, Michael | 11/12 | Metropolitan |
978-0544965836 | What We Will Become | Lemay, Mimi | 11/12 | HMH |
978-1501160288 | Highway of Tears | McDiarmid, Jessica | 11/12 | Atria |
978-1324003298 | The Hidden History of Burma | Myint-U, Thant | 11/12 | Norton |
978-0374117443 | Busted in New York and Other Essays | Pinckney, Darryl | 11/12 | FSG |
978-1982123536 | Beyond the Known | Rader, Andrew | 11/12 | Scribner |
978-1501172410 | The Ambassadors | Richter, Paul | 11/12 | S&S |
978-1538745151 | Wild Life | Roberts, Keena | 11/12 | Grand Central |
978-1631494802 | The Golden Thread | St. Clair, Kassia | 11/12 | Liveright |
978-0374282233 | Carrie Fisher | Weller, Sheila | 11/12 | Sarah Crichton |
978-1538718469 | A Warning | Anonymous | 11/19 | Twelve |
978-1631495342 | Black Radical | Greenidge, Kerri | 11/19 | Liveright |
978-0374279752 | User Friendly | Huang, Cliff & Robert Fabricant | 11/19 | MCD |
978-0525534662 | Canyon Dreams | Powell, Michael | 11/19 | Blue Rider |
978-0393608731 | The Season | Richardson, Kristen | 11/19 | Norton |
978-1501176722 | The Ship of Dreams | Russell, Gareth | 11/19 | Atria |
978-0061706424 | Great Society | Shlaes, Amity | 11/19 | Harper |
978-0374249526 | Retreat from Moscow | Stahel, David | 11/19 | FSG |
978-0374185428 | Family Papers | Stein, Sarah Abrevaya | 11/19 | FSG |
978-1250165190 | The History of Rock & Roll, Volume 2 | Ward, Ed | 11/19 | Flatiron |
978-0525621614 | The Cartiers | Brickell, Francesca Cartier | 11/26 | Ballantine |
978-1250173645 | The Girl in the Photograph | Dorgan, Byron | 11/26 | Thomas Dunne |
978-0358391173 | Impeach | Katyal, Neal | 11/26 | HMH |
978-0451497413 | God’s Hand on America | Medved, Michael | 11/26 | Crown Forum |
Title | Author | On Sale | Imprint | |
978-1524738358 | Song of the Crimson Flower | Dao, Julie C | 11/5 | Philomel |
978-1534439412 | Winterwood | Ernshaw, Shea | 11/5 | Simon Pulse |
978-1419739033 | Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball | Kinney, Jeff | 11/5 | Amulet |
978-1250208408 | Sisters of Shadow and Light | Larson, Sara B | 11/5 | Tor Teen |
978-1250078384 | Supernova | Meyer, Marissa | 11/5 | Feiwel & Friends |
978-0316528672 | Girls of Storm and Shadow | Ngan, Natasha | 11/5 | Jimmy Patterson |
978-1534438071 | Songs from the Deep | Powell, Kelly | 11/5 | Margaret K. McElderry |
978-1250301994 | A Thousand Fires | Price, Shannon | 11/5 | Tor Teen |
978-1481497060 | The Toll | Shusterman, Neal | 11/5 | S&S |
978-1338188325 | Call Down the Hawk | Stiefvater, Maggie | 11/5 | Scholastic |
978-1640633759 | Find Me Their Bones | Wolf, Sara | 11/5 | Entangled |
978-0374309527 | All-American Muslim Girl | Courtney, Nadine Jolie | 11/12 | FSG |
978-0316490702 | When the Stars Lead to You | Davis, Ronni | 11/12 | Little, Brown |
978-0525581031 | Gravity | Deming, Sarah | 11/12 | Make Me a World |
978-1335008480 | Day Zero | Devos, Kelly | 11/12 | Inkyard |
978-0785224457 | Coral | Ella, Sara | 11/12 | Thomas Nelson |
978-1641290463 | Color Outside the Lines | Mandanna, Sangu | 11/12 | Soho Teen |
978-0316310420 | The Queen of Nothing | Black, Holly | 11/19 | Little, Brown |
978-1250165084 | Catfishing on Catnet | Kritzer, Naomi | 11/19 | Tor Teen |
978-1481481878 | Cold Falling White | Prendergast, G S | 11/19 | S&S |
978-1250196644 | Eight Will Fall | Harian, Sarah | 11/26 | Holt |
978-1547601943 | The Wickerlight | Watson, Mary | 11/26 | Bloomsbury |