Anansi's Gold: The Man Who Looted the West, Outfoxed Washington, and Swindled the World by Yepoka Yeebo won the Plutarch Award for the best biography of 2023.
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Some Publishers Begin to Add AI Language to Contracts
As publishers continue to experiment with generative AI for in-house processes, three of the big five publishers—Penguin Random House, Hachette Book Group, and Macmillan—have begun including language surrounding AI in their contracts. These three publishers have boilerplate language available stating that the publisher will not license or use an author’s work to train AI without the author’s express permission—a win for agents and the Authors Guild, which updated their model contract with an AI clause last year. In many cases, the new language is not standard to the publishers’ contracts, but will be added if an author or agent asks […]
Greenhaven Capital Discloses “Preliminary” Efforts to Make Competing Refinancing Offer for Barnes & Noble Education
Greenhaven Capital disclosed in an SEC filing that as of March 29 it acquired a 9.9 percent stake in Barnes & Noble Education, and that it has been engaged in an ongoing series of discussions about presenting a competing offer for injecting capital into the ailing company. Greenhaven indicates in the filing that it had made multiple preliminary and non-binding proposals to the BNED board for a recapitalization of the company — some in conjunction with pre-existing investor Outerbridge Capital Management — ahead of the deal announced on April 16 led by Immersion Corporation. On April 11, Greenhaven tried to […]
Atria to Relaunch Washington Square Press
Atria Books will relaunch Washington Square Press in spring 2025 as a frontlist hardcover imprint of literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The imprint will shift its focus from backlist to publish four to six new books per season. Atria’s editorial director Lindsay Sagnette will lead the imprint with the current editorial staff of Atria acquiring. Sagnette said in a release, “The reinvigorated Washington Square Press will champion exceptional works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry that are essential to the conversations of today. Having a dedicated home for these talented authors is vital as we grow in our mission as a […]
Reese’s Book Club to Pair with Apple
The NYT profiles Reese’s Book Club as the initiative nears its 100th pick, to be announced in September. In the club’s most powerful early days it drew some criticism and resentment from indie booksellers and others over an exclusive promotional arrangement with Audible (which ended quietly in early 2021). The very end of the NYT piece offers the news that “this month, Reese’s Book Club will unveil an exclusive audio partnership with Apple, allowing readers to find all the picks in one place on the Apple Books app.”