Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form The Key As usual, the handy key to our Lunch deal categories. While all reports are always welcome, those that include a category will generally receive a higher listing when it comes time to put them all together. “nice deal” $1 – $49,000 “very nice deal” $50,000 – $99,000 “good deal” $100,000 – $250,000 “significant deal” $251,000 – $499,000 “major deal” $500,000 and up FICTION Debut Film director David Cronenberg’s first novel, partially set in Toronto, to […]
Lunch for Friday, November 30
Borders Awards Nominees Among those nominated for Borders’ Original Voices awards: Fiction Among Other Things, I’ve Taken Up Smoking, by Aoibheann Sweeney An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England, by Brock Clarke The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss No One Belongs Here More Than You, by Miranda July The Raw Shark Texts, by Steven Hall The Secret of Lost Things, by Sheridan Hay Non-Fiction A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, by Ishmael Beah Here If You Need Me: A True Story, by Kate Braestrup My Father’s Secret War, by Lucinda Franks Prisoner of […]
Lunch for Thursday, November 29
Regulators Approve Harcourt Sale; Would You Like to Buy Some Debt? The Justice Department has signed off on the sale of Harcourt’s US education business to Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep without requiring the spinoff of any assets, as some had expected. (They are still evaluating the proposed sale of Harcourt’s Assessment business to Pearson.) With approval, now all HM Riverdeep needs is cash. The latest word is that the consortium of banks (Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse and Citigroup) that agreed to finance the deal along with a refinancing of other parts of the company, for a total of $7.15 billion, is […]
Lunch for Wednesday, November 28
Books-A-Million: Comps Up 2 Percent; Loss Widens The number three book chain reported same-store sales rose 2.1 percent in their fiscal third quarter, reaching $117.7 million overall. Their net loss rose, however, to $555,000, nearly three times the loss this time a year ago. CEO Sandra Cochran says in the release that “operating costs for the period, driven primarily by an increase in heath care expense, exceeded our plan. Looking forward, our fourth quarter best seller lineup is solid, and we are focused on executing our merchandising and marketing plans for the holiday season.” Release Judge Says Book Reading/Purchasing Is […]
Lunch for Tuesday, November 27
Kennedy: Over Eight from Twelve? Senator Ted Kennedy’s book sold to Jamie Raab at Grand Central and Jonathan Karp at Twelve (with Karp editing), for “more than $8 million” according to the NYT’s sources, “eclipsing the $8 million given to” Hillary Clinton according to sources at sister paper the Boston Globe. Attorney Bob Barnett tells the Globe, “My sense is he’s going to write his life as he lived it. You will hear the [accounts] of these momentous events in the voice of the man who lived them.” Hachette Book Group USA ceo David Young says in the announcement, “His […]
Lunch for Monday, November 26
Congressman Self-Publishes Attack on Iraq Policy Former Indiana congressman and “maverick” John Hostettler plans to self-publish NOTHING FOR THE NATION: Who Got What Out of Iraq, promising to reveal “why political leaders and their subordinates sought to remove Saddam Hussein from power.” The book is set for publication next month through his Publius House, named for the pseudonym used by some of the founding fathers. Hostettler tells the AP by e-mail the title is “the first of a series of books that will draw from my years of service in the United States House of Representatives.” Indy Star McClellanitella? Oh, […]