Finally, It’s Chinski Long expected to succeed Jonathan Glusman, Eric Chinski has now officially been named as the new editor-in-chief at Farrar, Straus. He has been an executive editor there since 2003. Publisher Jonathan Galassi says in the announcement: “Eric is one of the most imaginative and talented editors I’ve known in my time in publishing. He is also a natural leader who is temperamentally empathetic – a quality much appreciated by both his authors and his colleagues. All of us at FSG look forward to working closely with him for many years to come.” On Friday, Publishing Trends reported […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, May 1
Monday, May 1 Our Usual Reminder If for some reason this has reached you even though you are not a paying member of PublishersMarketplace, please visit the link below to join us all the time for complete deal reports and more. Click to register Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form The Key As usual, the handy key to our Lunch deal categories. While all reports are always welcome, those that include a category will generally receive a higher listing when it comes time […]
Lunch for Friday, April 29
Graham to Granta and More Personnel News Canongate managing director David Graham will take over as managing director of Granta Publications this summer, overseeing the book and magazine units as well as Portobello Books (also backed by Granta owner Sigrid Rausing). Rausing comments: “We are thrilled that David is joining us. Together with Ian Jack, who is now Editor-in-Chief of Books as well as the magazine, he will oversee the return of fiction to the Granta list, alongside the impressive non-fiction list built up by George Miller and Sara Holloway. At Portobello he will free up Philip Gwyn Jones to […]
Lunch for Thursday, April 27
Atlas’ New World, CDS’s New Services Atlas Books is expanding their world beyond their series co-venture approach to publishing (with co-published lines at both Harper and Norton) to a new publishing partnership with online magazine Slate, distributed by Perseus’s CDS. The line launches in June as Slate celebrates its tenth anniversary with a compilation volume THE BEST OF SLATE, followed in the fall by Henry Blodget’s THE WALL STREET SELF-DEFENSE MANUAL: The Intelligent Laypersons Guide to Investing and BACKSTABBERS, CRAZED GENIUSES, ANIMALS WE HATE: Slate Writers Tell It Like It Is, a collection of the site’s “Assessment” columns. […]
Lunch Deluxe for Wednesday, April 26
GBL To Begin Talks on Taking Bertelsmann Public At the annual meeting of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, Albert Frere announced that the company “has decided to exercise its right to request that Bertelsmann launch an initial public offering.” He added, “In accordance with our agreement, discussions with Bertelsmann on the IPO are expected to begin next month.” Guardian Passages Crown has revised and merged the two internal working documents cited exclusively here yesterday in a new numbered document that quotes 45 passages of varying lengths from Megan McCafferty’s novels accompanied by what are characterized as “alleged infringing passage(s) from Viswanathan’s novel.” […]
Lunch for Tuesday, April 25
Nice Girls Don’t Copy Author Kaavya Viswanathan had this to say in a statement from Little, Brown yesterday: “When I was in high school, I read and loved two wonderful novels by Megan McCafferty, Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings, which spoke to me in a way few other books did. Recently, I was very surprised and upset to learn that there are similarities between some passages in my novel, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life, and passages in these books. “While the central stories of my book and hers are completely different, I wasn’t aware […]