Lots of New Deals Among the 15 brand-new deals for the day: The first book on football player-turned-soldier Pat Tillman, a government experiment with starvation, a big YA sale, how to be creative, the Park Avenue diet, and as always plenty more. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at night, catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining PublishersMarketplace.com today. Register here for PublishersMarketplace.com Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail […]
Lunch for Wednesday, May 5
Lots of New Deals Among the over 20 new deals since yesterday: A Hollywood home run for Moneyball, the latest big Beatles deal, up close with Chuck Close, the jihadists in their own words, retracing the journey of Odysseus, thinking like a millionaire, a life obsessed with music, another self-published success story, and of course plenty more. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at night, catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining PublishersMarketplace.com […]
Lunch for Tuesday, May 4
More New Deals Among the 17 brand-new deals since last night’s big round-up: The memoir of a man trying to walk all the way around the world and the tale of two men stuck for 45 days in the wild, new fiction from Dave, debut fiction, a big deal for a joint book from six accomplished women, and of course plenty of others. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at night, catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, […]
Lunch for Monday, May 3
The Latest Deals Among the 18 new ones since Friday morning (and 80 from all of last week): more from Donald Trump, the “father of epidemiology,” strange medical research, a memoir of survival in the mountains after a plane crash, and of course plenty of others. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at night, catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining PublishersMarketplace.com today. Register here for PublishersMarketplace.com Go directly to the latest deals […]
Lunch for Friday, April 30
Land, Hornby, and More Among the 15 latest deals: Brad Land’s fiction debut, Hornby’s big option, why starting adulthood has gotten harder, big money for American chick-lit, and of course plenty more. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at night, catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining PublishersMarketplace.com today. Register here for PublishersMarketplace.com Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace.com if you aren’t using the online form linked […]
Lunch for Thursday, April 29
Feynman, Baseball, the Spelling Bee, and More Among the 15 latest deals (and 65 so far this week): letters from physicist Richard Feynman turned into “the closest thing to a Feynman autobiography we have,” a winning baseball manager’s memoir and a look at steroids in baseball, inside the annual spelling bee, a feminist defense of romance, why outsourcing is our own fault (or at least liberals’ fault), the “Erma Bombeck of the South,” and of course plenty more. See deals live during the day and join hundreds of colleagues (and competitors) in getting all the day’s deals by e-mail at […]