Fiction Follow-Ups, An Agent’s Book, and More Among the 20 new deals since Friday: A well-known agent’s first book (an anthology), Edward Docx’s next novel, another book from John Lithgow, more from Azar Nafisi, and plenty more are among the almost 90 deals from last week. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining today. Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form, or […]
Lunch for Friday, April 9
A Bestseller Returns, Assistant Lit, and More Once again, more than 20 new deals since yesterday (and 75 so far this week). Highlights include: A major deal for a current bestseller, a novel from two publishing editorial assistants, more big children’s deals in advance of Bologna, cleaning up the World Trade Center site, Ben Greenman’s latest, and still plenty more. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining today. Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you aren’t […]
Lunch for Thursday, April 8
Friedman, Burke, Children’s Fantasy, and More Among the 27 new reports since yesterday: Bestselling NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s new book, more from Alafair Burke, an adult thriller writer’s children’s fantasy novel (to be pitched hard in Bologna), the latest from an NBA finalist, more film deals, Katy Sparks’ first cookbook, a history of the Space Shuttle, and still plenty more. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining today. Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you […]
Lunch for Wednesday, April 7
Over 20 New Deals Among the latest: two big paperback sales for small presses, ex-Notre Dame football player Rudy Ruettiger inspires young athletes, conservative financier Richard A. Viguerie, doing meaningful work, a biography of Hugh Hefner, and still plenty more. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining today. Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form, or use the address above Every Day, […]
Lunch for Tuesday, April 6
Still More New Deals You may have said “dayenu” after last night’s weekly dispatch of 90 deals, but already we have another 17 new deals posted. Highlights include: A major new thriller deal, another quick book about the 9/11 investigations, a look at the secret daily life of women in Saudi Arabia, a bestselling French novel sells in English, a follow-up from the CROWNS co-author, a book from a rabbi and an agent on yearnings, remembering Warren Zevon, inside Muslim communities around the country, and two big film options. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions […]
Lunch for Monday, April 5
Deal Updates Among the dozen latest: A memoir from a top hedge fund investor, Colum McCann’s next books, the world finds another callgirl, and plenty more — with 90 in all from the last week. Catch up on them all, and search well over 8,000 transactions (by editor, house, agent, and more) by joining today. Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form, or use the address above Every Day, at Book Publishing’s Home Page […]