One Letter Off My announcement yesterday of simplified registration procedures at was slightly hampered by the typo in the embedded link — sorry about that. While you’re there, check out a batch of new deals just since last night, lead by Scott Turow’s latest. Or view a number of new proposals and rights offerings, including “a short and delicious fact-based literary novel about Shakespeare’s daughter.” And browse our ever-growing ranks of talented writers and book publishing professionals in a variety of fields. Register at the home page Members can see new deals every day (and/or get a daily deal […]
Publishers Lunch for January 14, 2002
A Realization and A Change As I often like to point out, one of the best things about electronic media is that you can experiment, observe what people respond to, and continue to refine what you’re doing. This weekend I finally took my own advice as we made a significant change in how memberships are structured at It finally became clear that we had confused a lot of people by providing two different ways of registering for the site — which meant a lot of people came by and registered, but they signed up for a type of membership […]
Publishers Lunch for January 11, 2002
New Offerings, New Opportunities A lot of people continue to check out our services at and traffic continues to grow steadily — though to really sample it, you need to try the full access (just cancel it within the first week if you don’t want to stay). And our free features are picking up again, too; the bestselling author of IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST Edwin Black has a new proposal on offer for EUGENIC CRUSADE, and you’ll find a number of new novels, paperback rights offerings, and more. Register at the home page View the rights offerings Chains Did […]
Publishers Lunch for January 10, 2002
Looking for Impact? So far advertisers in Lunch have enjoyed solid results — good clicks, good buzz, new clients, and more. Our HTML ads are great for displaying your logo or book jacket and make for the most attractive online ads available, and with no more than one message a day Lunch is never cluttered and our advertisers enjoy real impact. I know many of you don’t think of yourselves as online advertisers, but with our unique community spanning all significant aspects of publishing both in the US and abroad, Lunch can you bring you attention, buzz, and sales in […]
Publishers Lunch for January 9, 2002
Resolutions? Was this year when you were planning on signing up for membership at our Over the holiday we introduced our latest book ranking feature, which members are already calling “awesome” and “terrific” and relying on every day. Now you can easily build a whole list of books and automatically follow their sales position at Amazon and, and cross-check them against nine major bestseller lists, with just a single click. Aside from being really cool (and saving you lots of wasted online time), it should make life a lot more efficient for sales and publicity people. And our […]
Publishers Lunch for January 8, 2002
Lunch Services Have a deal to report? E-mail to, or just use the form at Report a deal using the online form Publishers Marketplace is our spin-off site that’s full of rich data, features, and interactive opportunities to let Lunch readers do business directly with each other. You need to register at the site, and most of the best features are available only with paid memberships — though you can always search our members and search the online rights offerings for free. And you can still try the whole site out with no obligation for the first […]