Giving Thanks and Moving Ahead
It’s been a topsy turvy time recently for all kinds of reasons, which has delayed our annual marking of the occasion. But even in difficult times it’s important to make room for gratitude and appreciation of anything good. So with a mix of humility and irrepressible hope for the future, we admit to our aging: Publishers Marketplace is now a mature-sounding 23 years old — launched at another time of significant uncertainty, months after the first dot-com bubble burst and just weeks after 9/11 (and that means Publishers Lunch will turn 25 next spring). As I express regularly, we’re here […]
B&N Workers Rally for Union Contract
On Thursday, Barnes & Noble employees rallied outside of its flagship store and corporate headquarters in Union Square to demand their first contract be reached by the end of the year. The employees of the unionized stores in NYC–Union Square, Park Slope, and the Upper West Side–are members of RWDSU, and were joined by workers from other unionized bookstores including The Strand and McNally Jackson. “The company’s refusal to pay a fair wage has thus far prevented the union from settling the first union contracts and getting union benefits, healthcare, and protection from store closure and relocation,” the union said […]
Barnes & Noble’s Book of the Year
Obituary: Elizabeth Nunez
Trinidad-born writer Elizabeth Nunez, 80, died on November 8 at her home in Brooklyn. Nunez was the author of Prospero’s Daughter and several other novels including When Rocks Dance, Beyond the Limbo Silence, and more. She served as distinguished professor of English at Hunter College beginning in 2010 until retiring this spring.