Perminder Mann Named CEO of Simon & Schuster International
Perminder Mann will become the new chief executive officer of Simon & Schuster International starting May 1 and reporting to Simon & Schuster president and ceo Jonathan Karp. Mann will also join the S&S executive board. She has been ceo of Bonnier Books UK since 2017. She succeeds Ian Chapman, who will depart the company at the end of May, after 25 years with the company. “Describing the significance and sweep of what Ian has accomplished in his quarter-century of leadership is a daunting challenge,” Karp says in a release. “For all of his colleagues at Simon & Schuster, Ian […]
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New Books Publishing February 18
This week’s fiction releases include books by M. C. Beaton and Oprah’s new book club pick Eric Puchner’s Dream State, while new nonfiction includes work from Susan Morrison and Sarah Jones. Also publishing this week is a new novel by Kimberly Lemming, excerpted in our Buzz Books 2024: Romance sampler. 22 works of fiction 9 works of nonfiction From Buzz Books We consult a number of sources in compiling our weekly lists and PM members can see our lists for the coming months on Bookshop. Check out February‘s […]
Meta Reached Out To Publishers To License Books But Gave Up
Newly released documents in the Kadrey v. Meta copyright infringement suit state that the tech giant reached out to publishers to license books for AI training, but ultimately “paused” that effort. In a deposition, director of business development, AI partnerships Sy Choudhury said that in early 2023 Meta looked into licensing “fiction book data, scientific textbook data, normal textbook data, images, videos” but the work to license “fiction books, nonfiction books, and coding” was stopped in April 2023. In another deposition, Alexander Boesenberg, who works in business development and AI partnerships, said, “We got to a point where we decided […]
Forthcoming: David McCullough’s ‘History Matters’
Simon & Schuster will publish a posthumous essay collection by Pulitzer and National Book Award winner David McCullough called HISTORY MATTERS on September 16. Many of the essays are previously unpublished and address “the importance of history, especially our shared history as Americans.” The book features a forward by Jon Meacham and is edited by McCullough’s daughter Dorie McCullough Lawson and his longtime researcher Michael Hill. Jonathan Karp acquired world rights from Anne Sibbald at Janklow & Nesbit, with Bob Bender, executive editor emeritus, editing.