Part of our BEA coverage every year is to look back at the “Buzz Books” selection from the prior year to see how they fared in the marketplace. That’s more complicated now that frontlist titles, particularly fiction, are selling so strongly in ebook editions. But the print sales numbers from Nielsen BookScan still tell a pretty clear story on their own. Last year’s general Buzz panel featured at least two books that were recognized major works of the year–Emma Donoghue’s multiple-award-winning novel (which ranked No. 2 on our own Best of the Best of 2010 Fiction list), and Siddhartha Mukherjee’s […]
Stephenie Meyer's Vampire Empire
Entertainment Weekly features the author as its cover story, as anticipation builds for her latest release. Borders’ director of children’s merchandising Diane Mangan says, ”I kept saying that there will never be another book in my career like Harry Potter 7. Who would have thought a year later we’d be talking like this again?” EW notes: “Despite wincing over the occasional one-star review, Meyer can’t help but pore over the message boards. She loves her fans and wants to know how they’re responding to her work. ”Sometimes the feedback is helpful,” she says. ‘I want to be a better […]