Adam Friedstein has joined Anderson Literary Management as an agent primarily representing debut literary fiction, literary thrillers and suspense, young adult fiction, and narrative and serious nonfiction. He was previously at Trident Media Group.”
At Perseus, vp, business operations Clare Peeters has had her role expanded to vp, corporate strategy and business development. She has “played a critical role in both the creation and the ongoing activities of our joint ventures with both The Daily Beast and The Weinstein Company,” as well as the expansion of Constellation.
Ruth Esehak-Gillespie has joined Macmillan’s International Sales Division as sales and promotions coordinator, based in New York.
At Kaplan Publishing, Jennifer Farthing has been promoted to the new position of executive director product development; learning materials; Shannon Berning has been promoted to director of product development for graduate, post graduate and nursing/medical/legal projects; Laura Modigliani has been promoted to editor; Adam Hinz moves over to instructional designer; Sunny Hwang has been hired as math and science editor/subject matter expert; and Tracy Clough has been hired as a development editor.