Senior vice president and publisher of It Books, Harper Perennial, and Harper paperbacks Carrie Kania (who also oversees the Harper Design imprint) will leave HarperCollins at the end of August. She is moving to London, where she will join Conville & Walsh as an agent. Kania joined Harper in 1999.
In the wake of her departure, the paperback lines Harper Perennial and Harper paperbacks will be “realigned” within the Harper and William Morrow divisions. Harper division svp/publisher Jonathan Burnham will take over responsibility for Perennial, with Cal Morgan reporting to Burnham, as will Amy Baker and Erica Barmash. Publicists Anne Tate and Peter Henningsen will become part of Tina Andreadis’s publicity team, and editor Michael Signorelli will join the Harper editorial team.
Similarly svp/publisher of William Morrow, Avon, and Harper Voyager Liate Stehlik will take over responsibility for Harper paperbacks and that list will be combined with the recently-formed William Morrow Paperbacks line. Editor Stephanie Meyers will move over to the William Morrow group, reporting to Jennifer Brehl, and publicists Kendra Newton and Julia O’Halloran will join the publicity team under Seale Ballenger.
Michael Morrison writes in the internal announcement that “the It Books team members will remain in place” with “additional details of [a] revised structure” to be “announced shortly.”