At Berrett-Koehler, Zoe Mackey has been promoted to online marketing and international sales manager.
Samantha Dighton has joined D4EO Literary Agency as an agent, based in Washington, D.C. She worked The Sagalyn Agency.
Christina (Kit) Ward, 59, founder of the Christina Ward Literary Agency, most recently co-owner of The Ward and Balkin Agency, and formerly an acquiring editor at Little, Brown in Boston, passed away November 19 after a brief illness. Her colleague writes: “Kit was a brilliant editor and champion for her authors whose work ranged from bestselling literary fiction to gardening books and nature writing, to poetry. She was a sought-after speaker and teacher at conferences including Breadloaf and Writers at Work.”
Notice at Boston Globe
A memorial service will be held at 11 AM on December 6 at the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York for Cynthia Vartan, who died on October 28. Over her long career, she was an editor at Rand McNally, Thomas Y. Crowell, Delacorte Press, Dodd-Meade, and finally at Henry Holt where she was an editor-at-large. Visit here for more information.