Sarah McGrath has been promoted to editor in chief at Riverhead, where she has worked since 2006, joining editorial director Becky Saletan and publisher Geoff Kloske in the editorial leadership of the imprint.
At Canada’s House of Anansi, Janie Yoon has been promoted to editorial director, and Laura Meyer has been promoted to publicity director, taking over as longtime publicity director Laura Repas leaves the company on August 1 (relocating with her family to Vancouver). Emily Mockler returns from leave next month as senior publicist; Cindy Ma is being promoted to publicist; and Jenna Simpson has been hired full time, as national accounts manager.
Kathleen Sexton Kaiser has been named the new executive director of SPAWN – the Small Publisher, Artist and Writer Network, She is the past president of the 75-year-old Ventura County Writers Club, co-founder of the Pacific Institute for Professional Writing, and producer/lead moderator of the Ventura County Writers Weekend.