We’re filling in the last couple of session slots for January’s big Digital Book World Conference on January 14 and 15, and the newest entry on the schedule is a panel exploring “Can Amazon Be Constrained, and Should They Be?” Ken Auletta of the New Yorker will moderate the session, with guests Barry Lynn of the New America Foundation (preparing a letter to the DOJ arguing “yes”), Annie Lowrey of New York Magazine (who wrote “Amazon might be a bad actor in the books market, but that does not make it a monopoly”), and author Barry Eisler, who publishes with Amazon.
The broader agenda for our sixth annual event features our biggest set of keynote presenters yet: Russ Grandinetti from Amazon; publishing executives Brian Murray of HarperCollins, Linda Zecher of HMH, and Judith Curr of Atria; authors Seth Godin, Walter Isaacson and Auletta; and outside experts include data guru Hilary Mason, NYT news analystics director James Robinson, content marketing master Joe Pulizzi, and education investor Matt Greenfield. Plus dozens of panels across multiple tracks (including marketing; data; education; children’s publishing; technology; business models; and transformation) feature many more executives and leading practitioners from across publishing and technology.
It’s the last week to capture any significant savings on registration, so reserve your place now before the holidays. As always, Publishers Lunch readers get the very best additional discount available on individual tickets if you use this registration link. Put DBW (and/or our one-day Publishers Launch Kids event, which opens the event on January 13) on your calendar now.
Meanwhile, you can also get a free download of a white paper written by Thad McIlroy on 11 digital publishing trends and opportunities commissioned as preparation for the event.