At Blue Rider Press/Plume, Brian Ulicky is being promoted to director of publicity as of June 1, co-leading the publicity team with associate publisher Aileen Boyle — to whom he continues to report. Milena Brown will move up to senior publicist, reporting to Ulicky. Kayleigh George joins the group on May 25 as associate marketing director, reporting to Boyle. She has been senior marketing manager at Crown, Hogarth, Tim Duggan Books, and Broadway.
Kate Keating has joined Random House Children’s Books as director of digital marketing. Previously she was director of social media at L’Oreal USA.
Dark Horse vp, book trade sales Michael Martens will leave the company on September 1 after more than 22 years. Martens’ successor will be announced at the ALA conference in June.
At Chronicle Boooks, Rachel Hiles has been named project editor, food & lifestyle.
Following the death of Ariane Fasquelle in April 19, France’s Grasset & Fasquelle announced that Jean Mattern will leave Gallimard and join the company in September as Fasquelle’s successor, overseeing international books.
At Trident Media Group, Sarah Bush has been promoted to domestic agent, and focusing on commercial and upmarket women’s fiction.