At Beacon Press, Gayatri Patnaik has been promoted to editorial director.
Lauren Hill has joined Bloomsbury USA’s adult trade department as publicist. Previously she was assistant marketing manager at Oxford University Press.
Melissa Valentine has joined Sounds True as full-time acquisitions editor. Previously she was an editor at New Harbinger Publications. In addition, Caroline Pincus has been named freelance editor-at-large,. She formerly associate publisher at Red Wheel Weiser.
Kobo ceo Michael Tamblyn presented at The Economist’s Canada Summit on how the ebookseller’s Canadianness helped the company forge a path to success. “It turns out that being Canadian has helped us in a surprising number of ways,” from an important partnership in France with FNAC, to their Commonwealth connections and their natural understanding of multilingual politics and “fighting to keep a distinct national culture while living right next to a neighbor who casts a very long media shadow.”