As we previewed the other day, you’ll see that we have revamped the new Deals pages at, now sporting our cleaner, mobile-friendly layout and simplified navigational menus. The deal-related pages join everything jobs, all of the Lunch news, the rights board, and classifieds in our ongoing updating process to make as much of the site as possible adaptive to all screen sizes. Our mobile news app [], introduced last year, is still the best way to follow our most frequently updated items on your cellphone.
Last week we announced our newly updated deal report form, which adds a variety of new fields to help compose your deal news for consistent and efficient posting, just as the pre-London Book Fair reporting wave is bringing us 50 to 75 new deals every day. Even if you have been accustomed to emailing your deals manually, please try using the new form as often as possible. It’s the fastest and best way for us to process and share your deals, thanks.