At Harper Collins, Jennifer Civiletto is moving to the Harper Group as senior publishing manager, reporting to Amy Baker. She was publishing manager, working with former president and publisher Michael Morrison.
Following the elimination of Ben Ball’s job at Penguin Random House Australia, senior editor in the same Literary division Meredith Rose resigned “as a consequence” of Ball’s firing.
The CBS board approved a dividend that would dilute the voting control of National Amusements by an 11 to 3 vote on Thursday: “If consummated, the dividend would enable the Company to operate as an independent, non-controlled company and more fully evaluate strategic alternatives.” That’s one vote short of what would be required under the new by-laws that National Amusements imposed on the company earlier this week, so “the payment of the dividend is conditioned on a final determination by the Delaware courts.” In the meantime, CBS has postponed its annual meeting.