Yes, as noted briefly last week, this looks different. And with luck, better! After many months of development, we are pleased to introduce a fresh look and improved coding for our daily newsletters. The initial, and primary, goal was to make Lunch display better on mobile viewports and across the wide variety of common email services (all of which have their own special ways of mangling email code).
As with most renovations, that starting point quickly turned into an opportunity to rethink and revise a lot of our common features and ways of presenting information every day. At the same time, we wanted to keep those renovations gentle and in line with what readers have been accustomed to for years.
We have been testing the new process for weeks now, but as we go live please bear with us as we make some final adjustments. And we welcome your feedback and any bug reports or issues. We will start refreshed versions of the weekly and daily deals newsletters next week. Special thanks to Ben, Taylor and everyone else at Social Design House.