Former publisher at Two Roads, Lisa Highton joins Jenny Brown Associates as associate agent, based in London with frequent visits to Scotland, representing both fiction and narrative nonfiction.
Archives for April 2022
Sign in to Wednesday’s Discuss session to find out how NFTs can help authors (and what NFTs are)
Join Discuss online at this Publishers Marketplace link Wednesday, April 6 at noon Eastern when former VP of marketing at HarperCollins, Brian Perrin, will answer questions such as: What’s an NFT? What’s all the fuss? Are NFTs just another bubble? What’s the future of NFTs? What are the opportunities for authors? (And what are the risks?) Can other authors do what Gary Vaynerchuk did? (Buy 12 Books, Get an NFT: How One Author Got Orders for a Million Books – WSJ) What are some successful author initiatives with NFTs to date? How can NFTs establish direct, re-marketable connections between authors and […]
Follett Will “Not Proceed” With New Parent Control Tools For Destiny Software
Follett Learning announced on Friday afternoon that it will not proceed with plans to add tools to school library software Destiny enabling customers to comply with recent “parents’ rights bills” that have been introduced in several states. The decision follows criticism online from librarians, who expressed concern that tools allowing parental oversight of school library withdrawals would compromise student’s privacy. Britten Follett, ceo of content, and Paul Ilse, ceo of software, wrote in a statement on Friday: “We take very seriously the feedback we have received from librarians and industry partners regarding a potential parental control module for Destiny Library […]
People 4/1
Jessica Calagione has joined Zando as counsel, contracts & business affairs. She was previously at Anonymous Content.
April Picks
Amazon, B&N, and Costco announced Picks for April.
Dylan Thomas Prize
The Dylan Thomas Prize announced its shortlist, with winners to be named on May 12.