Anime and manga brand Tokyopop has partnered with Mattel to develop manga-style graphic novels for children ages 8-12 based on Mattel’s Hot Wheels and Barbie brands. First titles, including “a western-style manga graphic novel series inspired by Hot Wheels and new stories featuring characters from Barbie,” will launch in 2026.
Marc Visnick, Tokyopop coo and publisher, says in a release, “Hot Wheels and Barbie are two of the world’s most adored toy and entertainment brands and we are excited to partner with Mattel to develop and publish new original manga-style graphic novels. Tokyopop’s catalog is renowned for bestselling titles featuring notable characters for readers of all ages. Adding Barbie and Hot Wheels to our roster brings an exciting dimension, and we look forward to sharing these legendary brands and bold new adventures to our global audience of readers.”