Gina Centrello announced this morning the promotion of Random House editor-in-chief Susan Kamil to publisher of both the Random House and Dial Press imprints, reporting Centrello. Most editorial staff will report to Kamil, who will “continue to edit a select number of books a year”–except for Kate Medina, who continues to report directly to Centrello.
In other adjustments, Tom Perry is relinquishing his responsibilities for the entire Random House publishing group to return to Little Random as deputy publisher, and he will serve as publisher of The Modern Library as well.
Theresa Zoro moves up to svp, director of publicity for the entire group and now reports to Centrello, and Susan Corcoran has been promoted to vp, director of publicity for Ballantine Bantam Dell. With Perry’s move, Sanyu Dillon will also report to directly to Centrello.
In personnel news from elsewhere, Ayesha Mirza has joined Houghton Mifflin Harcourt as marketing manager in the adult marketing department, based in their New York office. She was most recently a marketing manager at Macmillan for their trade, academic, and professional books, with a special focus on online marketing and social networking. Meagan Stacey has been promoted to associate editor at HMH’s Mariner Books.
Kalah McCaffrey has joined Franklin & Siegal Associates as YA/middle-grade book scout, representing C. Bertelsmann Jugendbuch and Heyne Verlag in Germany, Nathan Jeunesse in France, Sperling & Kupfer in Italy, Van Holkema-Van Goor in Holland, Urano in Spain, WSOY in Finland, Sigongsa in Korea, and Modan in Israel. She was previously a scout at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates.
At Yale University Press, Jennifer Banks has been promoted to senior editor.
Independent Publishers Group has hired Kathryn Tumen as publicist, and she will run campaign’s for a selection of IPG’s publishers. She was a publicist at Penguin Group USA.