At Bloomsbury USA, Pete Beatty has been promoted to senior editor–the position recently vacated by Benjamin Adams, moving over to the Bloomsbury imprint from Bloomsbury Press, where he’s been working with Peter Ginna since 2008. He’ll acquire nonfiction list for the Bloomsbury imprint while continuing to acquire for Bloomsbury. Lea Beresford is being promoted to Editor at the Bloomsbury imprint.
In the UK, Faber announced a number of hirings and promotions. Julian Loose moves up to publisher for nonfiction and arts; Hannah Griffiths is promoted to both publisher for crime and paperbacks and associate publisher for fiction; and Lee Brackstone takes on the added position of creative director for Faber Social, which the Bookseller says will “use events, limited edition runs, and direct interaction with readers and writers to build business around books in traditional and digital formats.” Matt Haslum joins the company as consumer marketing director, to help drive “greater engagement with consumers and development of its brand.” He was formerly head of digital and creative strategy for Clicked Creative, an online marketing company.