The AAP reinforced their case in asking for a temporary restraining order blocking Maryland’s new library ebook/digital law, replying on Friday to the state’s weak defense. As the AAP’s new brief underscores, Maryland’s own legal reply lays bare their ploy of insisting their law is just about consumer protection while rooting the justification in complaints about copyright: As they put it: “Maryland opens its brief by stating, ‘This case is not about copyright protection,’ but follows with an extensive discussion that proves the opposite.” As a result, “Maryland’s attempts to justify the Maryland Act make the case for why it […]
People: Futter Takes Over At Celadon As Raab Steps Down
Celadon Books co-founder and president Jamie Raab is stepping down, and will take on the new role of publisher-at-large, Macmillan Publishers. She will acquire books across all imprints as well as work on strategic initiatives. She will also edit the books she currently has under contract at Celadon. Co-founder Deb Futter becomes president and publisher at Celadon, and Futter and Raab both report to Macmillan president Jon Yaged. Reporting to Futter are Rachel Chou, Ryan Doherty, Anne Twomey, Bill Hamilton and Randi Kramer. Yaged writes that Raab said to him, “It’s been exciting to watch Celadon meet and exceed our initial expectations. As the world […]
AAP Trade Sales Gained 11.9 Percent In 2021
The AAP reported December and full-year 2021 statistics from their pool of StatShot publishers and as expected, their data shows record high revenues and year-over-year increases in revenues for trade publishers. Trade sales reached $8.821 billion in 2021, up $935 million (or 11.9 percent) over 2020 — when sales gained $689 million in the final count (or 9.6 percent). NB that the final 2020 figures were revised downwards slightly, so those gains are little more modest than when first reported a year ago. Adult book sales hit $6.080 billion, up $622 million (or 11.4 percent), while children’s and young adult […]
UK Tries TV Show Search for Cookbook Author
Starting January 31, the UK’s Channel 4 will air a seven-episode TV series called The Great Cook Book Challenge with Jamie Oliver. Following a series of cooking challenges among 18 chefs, one winner will get a cookbook publishing deal with Penguin Michael Joseph. The publisher’s managing director Louisa Moore is head judge on the show. She says: “I hope and believe that this show offers an opportunity to showcase one area of publishing to a wider audience in a positive and genuine way, that it can start to help demystify the publishing process, because it is essential and necessary now […]
Newsletter Touts Book Material for Development
Former THR books editor Andy Lewis is writing a weekly column for start-up The Ankler that touts some forthcoming releases still available for film/TV options. Called the Optionist, he writes, “Every Friday, I’ll present un-optioned material from books, magazines, news articles, podcasts, games and graphic novels that I think deserve a look. I will attempt to go beyond hot titles on current lists from your book scouts, and pick out the hidden gems.”
RR Donnelly Is Still In Play
The slow but persistent battle over who will buy RR Donnelly continues. The unidentified strategic buyer has increased its bid to $11.50 a share after completing its due diligence — but they still need until February 8 to finalize their financing. In the meantime, Donnelly is moving forward with their latest formal agreement, in which Chatham Asset Management is paying $10.85 a share, aiming for a shareholder vote on February 23. The “strategic buyer” has promised it will pay back to the company the $12 million expense payment due to Chatham if the current agreement is terminated, along with the […]