Digital Book World convened in New York starting on Monday. In a panel called Black Women in Publishing, Hachette Nashville publicity director Laini Brown and Pantheon svp and publisher Lisa Lucas both said they would recommend publishing as a career to anyone who wanted to break into it. Brown said that it’s an industry where you can learn a lot about a lot of different topics, and Lucas said that people should know that there are many types of jobs in publishing outside of editorial, and that publishing is “a great living.” “As much as we complain about money and […]
New Books Publishing January 17
Notable releases this week include new novels from Bret Easton Ellis, Matthew Salesses, and Grady Hendrix, as well as nonfiction by Mario Vargas Llosa and Colm Toibin. Also out this week is Windfall by Erika Bolstad, excerpted in our Buzz Books 2022: Fall/Winter anthology. 14 works of fiction 14 nonfiction titles We consult a number of sources in compiling our weekly lists and PM members can see our lists for the coming three months through this reference page. But if you want to make sure your key titles are on our radar, now you can use this form to submit brief […]
Harper Union to Host Second Rally
The Harper Collins Union will host another strike rally outside parent company News Corp’s offices at 1211 Avenue of Americas in Manhattan on January 18 at 12:30 PM. The action follows a rally on December 16, and will mark the 50th business day of work stoppage in the strike that began on November 10. Harper employees were required to return to the office this week under the company’s hybrid plan, which expects employees to work in-person two days per week. (Yesterday, ceo of News Corp Robert Thomson sent a memo to company staff urging them to return to the office.) […]
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Atria Cancels Colleen Hoover Coloring Book After Backlash
On Tuesday, Colleen Hoover announced on her Instagram that Atria would publish an adult coloring book based on her novel It Ends With Us, the plot of which deals with domestic violence. Hoover’s post sparked criticism, with commenters calling the decision to publish a lighthearted coloring book based on a story about abuse “tone deaf” and “gross.” Yesterday, Hoover posted on Instagram that she asked Atria to cancel the book. “The coloring book was developed with Lily’s strength in mind, but I can absolutely see how this was tone-deaf,” she wrote. “I hear you guys and I agree with you. No […]
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Ed Spade has been appointed president of sales at Harper Collins, reporting to CEO Brian Murray and joining the company’s global executive committee.