J. Carl Maxwell has joined the AAP as vice president, public policy. He is based in Washington, DC and reports to svp, government affairs Shelley Husband.
AAP Adult Sales Rose in September, As Children’s Fell and Returns Increased
While holiday sales data from NPD Bookscan continues to show unit-based year-end sales consistently underperforming last year’s big performance, the AAP’s dollar-based reports from a few months ago show a more measured accounting from reporting publishers heading into the fall. Overall trade sales were $850 million, down (2.5) percent from 2021, with strong adult results and considerably weaker children’s sales. Adult sales reached $590 million, a 3.9 percent increase. Hardcover sales of $206.4 million were down (7.4) percent from $222.8 million, while paperbacks were up 19.8 percent to $207.3 million. Mass market sales increased 13.7 percent to $18.4 million. Digital […]
December Reese Pick
The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell is the December pick for Reese Witherspoon's Book Club.
Harper Collins Union Strike Continues
The Harper Collins Union is on day 18 of their strike (counting work days), which began on November 10, and UAW Local 2110 president Olga Brudastova affirms to PL that the union is prepared to continue as long as it takes to get to a contract. We estimate that the striking workers are losing something on the order of $250,000 a week in gross wages (or $50,000 for each strike day). Here, the workers’ alignment with the auto workers union shows its strength. The UAW strike fund pays each worker $400 per week, starting from the first day of the […]
People 12/1
At PRH Children's, Amanda Close is promoted to senior vice president, children’s sales and strategic development.
NYC Study Shows $9.2 Billion Publishing Output in 2020; Jobs Declining
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) released the results of its first Publishing Industry Economic Impact study, which significantly honors and underscores “specifics on the industry’s continued significance and contribution to New York City’s creative economy,” a press release states. Publishing is a signature industry for New York City, and merits continuing and increased support from the government, the report recommends. Unfortunately, much of the study groups all of “publishing” together, including book publishing along with print (newspapers and magazines) and digital journalism, plus bookstores, printing and more, broken into four sectors: Publishers, Talent (independent […]