Just as a District Court unequivocally and thorough called (now bankrupt) start-up ReDigi’s efforts to establish a scheme and marketplace for reselling “used” copies of copyrighted digital files of music (and thus potentially ebooks, as well as video, games and software) copyright infringement in 2013, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ratified that decision in this cockroach of a legal case. The Appeals Court similarly dismisses without hesitation ReDigi’s various arguments. “Their transfer process” to move the “used” files around inherently “creates a reproduction, and that is a copyright violation,” pure and simple. Their arguments for fair use did […]
Swedish Subscription Service Positions Itself for Continuing International Growth
On December 3, Swedish digital audio and ebook subscription service Storytel moved trading of their B shares to the higher-profile Nasdaq First North (a part of the exchange reserved for small and high-growth European companies). As part of move, they provided an extensive company description that shares details about their growth and financials. Building on their foundation in Sweden, the company’s play is global: More than half of the close to 800,000 subscriber base resides outside of Sweden, reflecting an aggressive growth strategy in international markets, now including Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, India, Spain, Iceland, UAE, Italy, […]
Corporate News: Barnes TV, Barnes & Smith, and An Interactive Peter Rabbit
Barnes & Noble is previewing their new “Nobody Knows Books Like We Do” holiday video ads, to be featured on cable TV and movie screens. The general ads are available on their YouTube channel, but they have yet to post what sound like the most interesting spots: A collection of 15-second videos “that celebrate the company’s remarkable 23,000 booksellers who make shopping at Barnes & Noble a one-of-a-kind experience.” CMO Tim Mantel says in the announce, “Our bookstores are cherished community centers where people go to aspire to learn more about the world around them and discover something new. This […]
WH Smith Was The Potential Barnes & Noble Buyer
The WSJ names the “book retailer” that made offers to buy Barnes & Noble last spring that fell apart on June 19, as described in Demos Parneros’s defamation and breach of contract lawsuit against the retailer, and the company’s answer to those charges and countersuit. “People familiar with the situation say it was WH Smith PLC, a UK retailer that sells books, stationery and other products.” Though the Journal does not mention it, that makes sense contextually given where WH Smith turned next: Their deal announced October 31 to acquire US travel electronics retailer InMotion for $198 million. In announcing […]
Patterson Tries An Enhanced Novel Launched On Facebook Messenger
James Patterson’s latest experiment releases today on a new platform, Facebook Messenger. THE CHEF, set in New Orleans, is an enhanced digital novel about a police detective — who runs the Killer Chef food truck at night with his ex-wife — who is under investigation for a murder he is accused of committing in the line of duty. The digital experience is free, presented in English and available throughout the world, with a traditional, full-length print version of the story to follow on February 18, 2019 (written with Max DiLallo). For Facebook Messenger Patterson has revived — or in his […]
Corporate: Pearson Gains On Steady Quarter, Scribd Pairs with NYT
Pearson provided a trading update on the first nine months of 2018. Total revenues were flat, with a 3 percent decline in US higher education courseware offsetting growth in the rest of the company. The company attributed some of the revenue decline to delays caused by the implementation of new enterprise software in the US, which it expects to “largely reverse” in the fourth quarter. That growth elsewhere, along with revised estimates for some one-time tax benefits, helped lift shares in London today. The traditionally terse comment on trade book performance noted, “Penguin Random House is performing in line with […]