IDC has released the headline data from their fourth quarter tracking of shipments (not consumer sales) of media tablets and ereaders. They say that over 6 million ereaders shipped during the holiday quarter, over the twice the volume from the end of 2009, with a tabulation of 12.8 million ereaders shipped worldwide in 2010. IDC gives Kindle a 48 percent share for both the quarter and the year, comprising about 2.9 million units in the final quarter and 6.15 million units for 2010. Pandigital “edged out Barnes and Noble for the number 2 spot” in the last quarter, “although the […]
Riggio Sees Expanding Market, For Digital, Stores and Publishers Alike
Barnes & Noble chairman Len Riggio was the keynote speaker at this morning’s annual meeting of the Association of American Publishers (AAP), his first appearance there in 11 years, when he was excited about the possibilities the Rocket eBook held for his company and the industry at large. “Think of all that could have happened had we all led tje digital age together instead of following it,” Riggio said. His primary message was that “too many of us see bookselling as a zero sum game–that there’s a limit to how many books people will buy and how many books people […]
E-News: ALA Statement on “New Challenges in E-Environment”; Macmillan Sells E-Books Direct Through Diesel; and More
The American Library Association announced the creation of two new task forces, the presidential task force on Equitable Access to Electronic Content (EQUACC) and the E-book Task Force, to address “recent publisher changes affecting libraries’ ability to provide e-books to the public,” namely HarperCollins’ stance on capping e-book lending. In a meeting this week, the EQUACC recommended the ALA “conduct an environmental scan to understand the current landscape and project future scenarios”, work within and outside ALA “to improve access to electronic information for all, with a particular focus on people with disabilities,” identify and support new e-lending models, and […]
eNews: Avon Launches New Digital Imprint; Kobo Closes New Funding Round; and More
Yesterday Avon announced its digital-first imprint, Avon Impulse, which will feature ebook novels and novellas (with POD editions also available) by current Avon authors and aims to “seek new talent to nurture in an e-book marketplace that finds romance experiencing expansive growth.” The first title will be Katherine Ashe’s enovella, “A Lady’s Wish,” released next week, with plans to publish at least one new title every week going forward. Authors will not receive an advance, but will get 25 percent net royalties for the first 10,000 copies sold, and 50 percent thereafter. Unlike Harlequin’s digital imprint Carina Press, Avon Impulse […]
People, Etc.
Kelle Ruden will move over to agent director for the Random House Speakers Bureau, starting March 14. She will work across the Random House imprints to support the current roster of author speakers and expand the program. Book critic and social-media consultant Bethanne Patrick is joining Shelf Awareness as editor of their forthcoming consumer publication. Guy LeCharles Gonzalez has joined Media Source Inc. as Director, Content & Digital Product Development, overseeing Library Journal, School Library Journal, and The Horn Book, starting today. Previously he was Director, Programming & Business Development for Digital Book World. Elaine McQuade has been appointed Head […]
Announcements: Russia at BEA, Harper Offers “Book Perks”
BEA will host Russia as guest of honor in their Global Market Forum program in 2012. Russia holds a similar role at this year’s London Book Fair. BEA organizers say that “Russia plans to have 50 Russian writers plus another 50 editors and publishing executives coming to New York for these events, which will include both a cultural and a professional component.” HarperCollins has officially launched a groupon-esque site, They carry–and push out–a series of offers for signed and deluxe editions of books and other “extras” like movie tie-in tickets along with contests (like a “perk of the day” […]