Jackie Williams has joined The Knight Agency as associate agent, seeking fantasy, science fiction, mystery, suspense, contemporary, and young adult. She was previously with Chronicle Books. Ewan Turner has been promoted to managing editor of Philip Turner Book Productions. A fiction writer (and son of the founder), he heads up a new division, New Stories, devoted to cultivating new work in fiction, memoir, and essays. Kajal Mistry has been promoted to publisher of Hardie Grant Books UK. Eve Marleau moves up to commissioning editor. Layoffs UK bookseller Waterstones will layoff an unspecified number of employees at its headquarters, as sales […]
Forthcoming Former FBI agent Peter Strzok‘s COMPROMISED: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump will be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on September 8. He will “explain how the elevation by President Trump and his collaborators of Trump’s own personal interests over the interests of the country allowed Putin to succeed beyond Stalin’s wildest dreams, and how the national security implications of Putin’s triumph will persist through our next election and beyond.” Bookselling Powell’s Books has permanently closed its location in the Portland Airport. Owner Emily Powell told The Oregonian, “Closing the airport store is a sad necessity as […]
New Books Publishing July 28
As in previous weeks, our sample Bookshop and Aerbook store carousels provide easy displays of books publishing today in need of attention and support, featuring: 23 new works of fiction https://bookshop.org/lists/new-fiction-publishing-july-28 12 new nonfiction titles https://bookshop.org/lists/new-nonfiction-publishing-july-28 More new children’s and YA titles https://bookshop.org/lists/new-children-s-titles-publishing-in-july We consult a number of sources in compiling our weekly lists and PM members can see our lists for the coming three months through this reference page. But if you want to make sure your key titles are on our radar, now you can use this form to submit brief details as well: publun.ch/submitNotable
People, Etc.
At the Workman Publishing imprint, Danny Cooper and Rachael Mt. Pleasant have each been promoted to senior editor and Sarah Curley to assistant editor. Gracie Elliott becomes assistant editor within the children’s department and Kelly Lynch creative director, calendars. SarahMay Harel has been promoted to manager, website operations and ecommerce across all Workman Publishing imprints. Alex Kelleher-Nagorski has joined Scholastic as associate director of publicity. He was previously publicity manager at Little, Brown Children’s. Kate Pollard has joined Welbeck Publishing as associate publisher for the Orange Hippo gift and lifestyle list. She was most recently publishing director, Hardie Grant UK. Stacey Graham has […]
People, Etc.
Vanessa Campos has joined D4EO Literary Agency as an agent. She was previously sales and marketing director of Entrepreneur Press. Mariah Nichols has been promoted to literary agent. Imprints In the UK, Hodder & Stoughton has created the Hodder Studio imprint, which “brings together creative minds from a wide range of backgrounds and media industries.” and is “acquiring books with international aspirations, exploring original partnerships and developing new relationships with audiences.” The imprint will include audio, and the first books launch in October 2020 through to 2022. Jamie Hodder-Williams heads the imprint and Myfanwy Moore is publisher. (Moore was previously a TV […]
Briefs: Mary Trump’s Continuing Sales, and More
Mary Trump’s TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH sold over 1.35 million units across all formats during its first week on sale in the US, Simon & Schuster reported. Another hardcover reprint will give them 1.35 million copies in print when it delivers. That suggests continuing sales of about 400,000 units after pre-orders and the first day on sale, and an added 200,000 hardcovers in print since their first sales announcement a week ago. NPD Bookscan charted sales of over 337,000 hardcovers in the channels they measure, through July 18. Russell Ackerman and John Schoenfelder at Addictive Picture and producer Jay […]