Controversies After UK thriller writer Mark Dawson admitted — or boasted? — about buying his way onto the Sunday Times bestseller list with a modest purchase of 400 hardcovers, Nielsen Bookscan has recalculated that Top 10 chart to remove Dawson’s book and the paper will issue a correction. Nielsen says they initially believed the purchase was related to a virtual book signing. Dawson, who still promotes his “top 10” listing on his Twitter page, said in a Twitter thread he was only cheating a little, not a lot: “If I was intent on ‘gaming the system’ I would have bought […]
People, Etc.
Jenna Quatraro has been promoted to senior graphic design manager at Sourcebooks. Stephen S. Power has joined ghostwriting and publishing services firm Kevin Anderson & Associates as an executive editor. Previously he was executive editor at Thomas Dunne. Angus Cargill has been promoted to publishing director at Faber & Faber. Katharine Nelson has joined Canbury Press in the new position of director of sales, marketing and publicity. She was previously director of trade marketing and publicity at Lonely Planet. Obituaries Josephine Cox, 82, author of 60 books including Her Father’s Sins and The Beachcomber, died on July 17. Accomplished cover […]
New Books Publishing July 21
As in previous weeks, our sample Bookshop and Aerbook store carousels provide easy displays of books publishing today in need of attention and support, featuring: 19 new works of fiction 13 new nonfiction titles More new children’s and YA titles We consult a number of sources in compiling our weekly lists and PM members can see our lists for the coming three months through this reference page. But if you want to make sure your key titles are on our radar, now you can use this form to submit brief details as well:
Our Buzz Books Romance Panel
Join us Wednesday, July 22 at 6pm EDT to hear romance writers chat about some of the buzziest books of the upcoming season. Four Buzz Books 2020: Romance authors will answer questions from their editors about what inspires them, what it’s like to write romance from a diverse perspective and more. Romance author Kwana Jackson (Real Men Knit) will host the event. A Q&A will follow, as well as a lottery for prizes (summer books bundles, tote bags, and other surprises!) for five lucky registrants. The authors and editors are: Melissa Ferguson, THE CUL-DE-SAC WAR (Thomas Nelson). Editor: Jocelyn Bailey Brenda Jackson, FOLLOW YOUR […]
People, Etc.
In the UK, Muna Reyal will join Chelsea Green’s UK team as head of editorial and production. Before leaving publishing for graduate school she was a food and lifestyle publisher and editorial director at Headline Home. Awards The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Awards for 2020 have been cancelled for the first time in 68 years, “due to issues related to the ongoing pandemic.” Pamela Paul and Jennifer Krauss at the NYT noted that the judging is usually conducted at the newspaper’s offices, “under staff supervision.” Those premises remained closed to all nonessential employees, and “the judging […]
Relief The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has provided a $3.5 million grant to provide emergency support to literary arts organizations affected by Covid-19. The Academy of American Poets, Community of Literary Magazines and Presses, and the National Book Foundation will jointly administer this Literary Arts Fund. Literary organizations and publishers may apply for one-time emergency relief grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 through August 7. Grants will be distributed by September 15. Work From Home Sourcebooks announced that it has extended the option of remote work for all employees in its four US offices through the end of the year. […]