Tim Holman will step down as the publisher of Orbit UK to focus on his role as svp and publisher of Orbit in the US, though he will continue to work from London. HBG ceo Michael Pietsch says, “I’m extremely happy that he has decided to devote 100% of his time and talent to even greater growth and creative publishing in the US market. Anna Jackson will move up to publisher of Orbit UK in April, reporting to Charlie King. Paola Crespo has been promoted to marketing manager at Orbit. At St. Martin’s publishing group: Rebecca Lang has been promoted to […]
Corona Updates: More Publishers Withdraw From Bologna, Poets & Writers Gala Cancelled, LAT Festival Postponed, More Cancellations and Contingencies
Event cancellations due to COVID-19 continue apace. The big publishers are not going to send employees to the rescheduled Bologna Book Fair: HBG, Hachette UK and Hachette Livre, have withdrawn,”in light of the unprecedented action the Italian government is taking to contain the spread of the coronavirus and our ongoing concern for the safety of our colleagues, authors and partners.” Bonnier UK also said it will skip the event. Poets & Writers has cancelled its 50th anniversary gala, scheduled for March 16. “We’re sorely disappointed, but made this decision out of a concern for the health and safety of our staff […]
People, Etc.
At Abrams, Rebecca Kaplan has been promoted to editor-in-chief; Jamison Stoltz to editorial director, Abrams Press; Monica Shah to executive director, special markets & national accounts; Nadine Sferratore to associate director, special sales; Wayne Gurreri to senior manager, special sales; and Shelby Ozer to sales coordinator, special sales. Kay Makanju has joined as trade sales manager specializing in the educational market. Yulia Borodyanskaya has been promoted to vice president, subsidiary rights and export sales. Talia Behrend-Wilcox joins a subsidiary rights manager. Hilary Claggett has joined Georgetown University Press as senior acquisitions editor, global business, a new list for the publisher. She was previously senior editor, […]
People, Etc.
At Abrams Children’s Books, Hallie Patterson has been promoted to director of publicity and Brooke Shearouse to publicity manager. In the UK, John Murray publisher Mark Richards and Profile Books commercial director Diana Broccardo have founded Swift Press. They expect to publish 6 to 8 titles in 2021. The principal investors are Geoffrey Faber Holdings and Set Copyrights, co-owners of Faber & Faber. It’s the first time they have invested in another publisher. Swift will join the Independent Alliance for sales. Duke University press editorial director since 2005 Ken Wissoker is staying with the house, now as senior executive editor, […]
Coronavirus Updates: Penguin Random House Withdraws From Bologna Book Fair, NBCC Cancels Awards Ceremonies, and More
Penguin Random House will not attend Bologna Book Fair, due to COVID-19, announced Tuesday morning. They become the second major publisher to pull out of the event, after Simon & Schuster, which announced their withdrawal on Friday. A representative for PRH told PL, “In light of the travel risks related to the Coronavirus and our ongoing concerns for the health and well-being of our employees, authors, and partners, Penguin Random House will not participate in the Bologna Book Fair.” On Monday evening the Italian government imposed a country-wide quarantine, banning essentially all public gatherings and severely limiting travel in and […]
People, Etc.
At Random House Children’s, Maria Correa joins the Classic Brand team as associate editor. She was previously junior editor at Little Tiger Group. Morgan Maple joins as associate publicist. She was previously publicity assistant at Little, Brown Children’s. Gisela de la Concepción Fosado has been promoted to editorial director at Duke University Press. Susan Fissell has been promoted to director, special markets at Simon & Schuster. Sales manager Nicholas Sinisi has left Diamond Book Distributors. He can be reached at nicholas.sinisi@gmail.com. Audio Workman Publishing will publish and distribute audiobooks directly to trade and library channels through its new imprint Workman Audio, […]