Our Buzz Books 2019 Fall/Winter sampler excerpts an array of great forthcoming literary and debut fiction from authors including and more. Did you download your copy yet? Get the “trade edition” from NetGalley or Edelweiss, or find the consumer editions all linked at our main Buzz Books website. As usual, we begin our free ebook with a broad overview of the upcoming publishing season, featuring hundreds of notable titles on the way. We’ll be presenting extracts from that season preview in the coming days. And if you’re attending Book Expo, be on the lookout for Buzz Books authors Megan Angelo, Nefertiti Austin, Susannah Cahalan, Clay McLeod […]
People, Etc.
Lynn Grady left her position as publisher of Dey Street Books on Friday. Also at Harper Collins, Jace Molan has been promoted to senior director video, group executive producer, overseeing all video production across the general books and children’s groups, reporting to both Morrow Group president and publisher Liate Stehlik and children’s marketing & publicity vp Nellie Kurtzman. As a part of Picador’s restructuring, editor Elizabeth Bruce‘s position will be eliminated as of June 1. Awards Richard Ford won the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction, to be presented on August 31. Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden said, “He […]
People, Etc.
Longtime Knopf editor-at-large Gary Fisketjon “was dismissed for a breach of company policy,” a spokesperson confirmed to PL. Fisketjon was initially suspended, and then dismissed following an investigation. The publisher is in the process of informing his authors and their agents. Knopf staff say they were notified earlier this week. BuzzFeed published the results of an “extensive, yearlong” investigation of author and speaker Tony Robbins that “reveals how Robbins has berated abuse victims and subjected his followers to unorthodox and potentially dangerous techniques. And former female fans and staffers have accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.” The story includes accounts […]
Our Buzz Books Young Adult Titles
Yesterday we listed the complete roster of adult authors and excerpts in our new free Buzz Books 2019: Spring/Summer sampler. Today we’re excited to highlight the young adult authors and excerpts in Buzz Books 2019: Young Adult Fall/Winter. Prepare for Book Expo and the fall publishing season by downloading our free Buzz Books collections in major ebookstores (the “download” button here links to them all). To download the trade editions — with publicity and marketing info, and click-throughs for full galleys, go to NetGalley. Join the viral buzzmaking on social media via #BuzzBooks2019 and help bring the excitement of the fall season to readers everywhere. Here […]
People, Etc.
Welbeck Publishing Group is starting a commercial fiction imprint, Portland Press, launching in 2020 and focusing on crime, thrillers, romance and women’s fiction. Jon Elek will be lead the line as group publisher, fiction after 10 years as an agent, most recently at United Agents. Ali Hammond has joined the publisher relations team at BookBub, as the account manager for audiobook publishers on their new audio platform, Chirp. Forthcoming A Spanish-language edition of Michael Wolff‘s just announced new book — published as Asedio: Trump en el punto de mira — will be ready on June 4 as an ebook, and […]
The Complete Buzz Books Fall/Winter Titles
As we previewed Tuesday, our new free ebook Buzz Books 2019: Spring/Summer arrives this week packed with pre-publication excerpts from major authors and 12 exciting debuts. Our sampler is the ultimate way to prepare for Book Expo and the fall publishing season (capturing the best part of the event even if you don’t attend — reading some of the hottest new books ahead of everyone else). For the trade editions — with publicity and marketing info, and click-throughs for full galleys, you can download through your platform of choice from NetGalley or Edelweiss. The consumer version is available on all the […]