Nadea Mina has joined Open Road Integrated Media as senior publicist. Previously she was a senior publicist at St. Martin’s Press. Yulia Borodyanskaya will join ABRAMS on March 25 as director, subsidiary & international rights. Previously she was director, international rights at McGraw-Hill Education. Eric Smith has joined P.S. Literary Agency as an associate agent. He was previously the social media & marketing manager at Quirk Books. Andrew Nurnberg Associates is partnering with Istanbul-based AnatoliaLit Agency, co-founded by Amy Spangler & Dilek Akdemir in 2005, as of April 1. In explaining the new partnership Nurnberg said in the announcement: “I’ve […]
People, Etc.
Grand Central Publishing announced a number of promotions across its imprints. At GCP, Andrew Duncan has been promoted to director, online marketing, while Linda Duggins moves up to senior director of publicity. Jimmy Franco has also been promoted to senior director of publicity while Fareeda Bullert moves up to associate publicist. At Twelve, Paul Samuelson has been promoted to deputy director of publicity, while Catherine Casalino moves up to art director. Finally, Madeleine Colavita moves up to assistant editor, Forever. At Balzer + Bray, Kristin Rens has been promoted to executive editor. Libraries Just two weeks after announcing he would […]
People, Etc.
Jenny Todd has been appointed publisher and managing director at Canongate, with longtime publisher Jaime Byng moving up to chief executive, which will allow him a “greater focus on developing new businesses”. Of Todd, promoted from associate publisher, Byng said in a statement: [She] has played an instrumental role in the growth and development of Canongate. She brings to the role considerable skill and experience.” With respect to the restructure, Byng added: “Not only do I believe that the new structure will make us more efficient as an organisation but it will harness more fully the creativity of the team […]
People, Etc.
Luke Dempsey will join Harper One as executive editor on March 23, working out of the New York office. Previously he was non-fiction editorial director at Ballantine. Camille Perri has been named books editor-at-large at Cosmopolitan, where she will serve as the point person for all books coverage, including first serial rights, excerpts, and author opportunities, as well as attend industry events as a representative of the magazine. Previously she was assistant editor and books consultant at Esquire. Emily Williams joins educational non-profit Expeditionary Learning as manager, publisher relations. Previously she was manager, digital content at Nook, and before that […]
People, Etc.
Christian Lorentzen will join New York Magazine and as book critic, writing book reviews as well as “longer assessments and essays on books and writers and shorter commentary on a wide range of literary matters.” Lorentzen will start writing for the magazine in April and increase his output in June when he returns to New York from London. He was most recently senior editor at the London Review of Books, where he will remain an editor-at-large. Literary agent Maria Ribas has joined Stonesong, representing nonfiction in the areas of cooking, home, health/diet, personal development, business, psychology, and memoir. Ribas had […]
People, Etc.
Stephanie Davis joins the Crown Publishing Group as marketing manager, Clarkson Potter and Harmony. Previously she was assistant marketing manager at St. Martin’s. Jandra Sutton has joined PR by the Book as digital media coordinator. Previously, she was marketing director with Turner Publishing Company. Rachael Small has joined Europa Editions as publicist. Previously she was a translation quality manager and before then, publicity assistant at the Book Department of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. Erin Young has joined Dystel & Goderich Literary Management’s West Coast office as assistant to Michael Bourret after working as an editor at two […]