Mike Shatzkin, RIP
The beautiful, brilliant, boisterous, kind, generous, optimistic, unconventional and wholly original Mike Shatkzin, 77, died on the morning of November 7 at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, following the recent onset of a rare cancer. In his final days, Mike was lifted by an outpouring of love and appreciation, as his ICU room overflowed with visitors from near and far and his email and texts flooded with messages. Even as his body struggled, Mike’s resting face in his hospital bed was often a smile. Mike was indelible. If you were fortunate enough to spend time with him, his voice […]
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People 11/5
New Books Publishing November 5
This week’s fiction releases include new stories by Joyce Carol Oates, while nonfiction includes work from Oliver Sacks and Sy Montgomery. November’s children’s releases include new books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Isabel Ibañez, and Katharine McGee. Also publishing this week are The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong and Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell by Unfins, both excerpted in our Buzz Books 2024: Fall/Winter sampler. 17 works of fiction 9 works of nonfiction 20 children’s titles From Buzz Books […]