The Bookseller analyzed filings from six of the UK’s biggest literary agencies and found that they all lost money in the most recently-reported fiscal year except for AP Watt, which made a little under 250,000 pounds. (NB many of these figures apply to fiscal 2008.) Start-up United Agents lost 2 million pounds on revenues of 6 million pounds in their first year, while the PFD they left behind “appears to have made a loss close to £1 million.” A brief filing from Sheil Land “showed it made a loss close to £75,000.” The more current numbers come from Curtis Brown […]
International News
Borders UK Online Assets Are Sold
The Capital Organisation, an investment group, has purchased the defunct Borders UK’s online operation and a database of over a million customers for an undisclosed price, the Bookseller reports. Operating under the less tarnished Books etc brand (a part of Borders UK), the buyer “is thought to be planning to merge the website with two other retail sites it already owns – and”
Bookselling: Bankruptcy for Canada's McNally Robinson; Eso Won Expects Another Tough Year; Northshire Hails Haslett Novel
Much-admired Canadian indie McNally Robinson Booksellers has entered bankruptcy and will close two of its four stores immediately: one in Polo Park in Winnipeg and their Toronto store in the new Shops at Don Mills mall. 170 of the bookseller’s 425 full- and part-time employees will lose their jobs as result. Co-owner Paul McNally says that as long as the company’s bankruptcy plan is approved the other two stories, in Winnipeg and Saskatoon, will remain open. “They make money,” he said. “They have a loyal following,” while the other two “new stores absolutely did not perform.” The Winnipeg Free Press […]
Bestsellers of the Year, In Canada
BookNet Canada’s point-of-sale tracking service published their lists of bestselling books for the year (through the week ending December 13), including: Top 5 Overall 1. The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown 2. Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer 3. Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer 4. New Moon, Stephenie Meyer 5. The Book of Negroes, Lawrence Hill Top 5 Hardcover Adult Fiction 1. The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown 2. The Host, Stephenie Meyer 3. An Echo in the Bone, Diana Gabaldon 4. The Associate, John Grisham 5. Twenties Girl, Sophie Kinsella Top 5 Hardcover Non-Fiction 1. Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell […]
Bookselling: Up Close at Square Books; It's Over at Borders UK
Poets & Writers starts the new year with a new series of interviews with bookselling entrepreneurs, Inside Indie Bookstores. The first installment visits with Richard Howorth of Square Books: “It’s a very difficult business. But in many ways, I like the fact that it’s a difficult business. Otherwise, people who want to make money–by selling crap–would be trying to get into the book business. [Laughter.]” Looking to the digital reckoning, he says: “I think bookstores offer an experience to book consumers that is unique. To be able to go into a place physically, to experience a sensation that is the […]
People: Paulsen to Launch Eponymous Children's Imprint; Knopf and Random Canada Merge Editorially; and More
President and publisher of Putnam Children’s for the last 15 years Nancy Paulsen will launch an eponymous imprint, Nancy Paulsen Books in 2011. She plans to publish 12 to 15 picture books, middle grade and young adult novels a uear. Paulsen will keep her current position until a replacement is named, with a search underway now. Paulsen says in the announcement, “I am thrilled with the opportunity to return to my true passion full time–editing. My imprint will focus on publishing a select group of picture books that are eye-opening and inventive, along with fiction, from culturally diverse and distinct […]