Tisse Takagi has teamed up with The Science Factory as an agent, based in New York, focusing on non-fiction in the areas of biography, food, and music as well as science. She was an editor at Basic Books. It’s the first appointment since Peter Tallack, who runs the agency from Hamburg, Germany, founded the company six years ago. He describes the collaboration as an exciting step in extending the company’s international reach and intellectual breadth and depth. Co-ceo of The Carlyle Group David Rubenstein will take over in October as chairman of the James Madison Council, an advisory and fundraising […]
International News
Hodder Purchase of Quercus Moves Forward
Hachette UK’s Hodder & Stoughton deal to acquire Quercus has become “unconditional,” which essentially finalizes the deal as it heads towards the formal closing. Quercus chief executive Mark Smith is leaving the company, but will serve as a consultant for an unspecified period of time. As noted in March, when H&S agreed to pay £12.6 million, Quercus will operate as its own division, under the supervision of Jamie Hodder-Williams. H&S reiterates that it will honor all written contracts, and a spokesperson tells us “all existing arrangements will remain in place,” including Quercus’s US-based business. Hodder-Williams comments in the announcement: “I […]
Maria Ribas and Paul Lamb have joined the Howard Morhaim Literary agency as literary agents. Ribas was an associate editor at Adams Media and will continue to focus on cookbooks, self-help, health, diet, parenting, and humor. Lamb was most recently senior marketing manager at Viking, and will focus on representing non-fiction in the areas of business, memoir, political science, sociology and sports, as well as crime, mystery and literary fiction. Gypsy da Silva will retire from Simon & Schuster on April 30 after more than 47 years in publishing, the last 26 as associate director of copy editing for the […]
Corporate: A Wiley Acquisition; and Job Cuts At RH Children’s UK and Weltbild
Wiley announced another sizable acquisition, agreeing to pay $175 million in cash to purchase French-based learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge, which focuses on leadership and managerial skills development. The deal is expected to close on May 1. Wiley has been investing heavily in their professional development division, and acquired a related firm, Profiles International, less than two weeks ago. CEO Steve Smith says the two purchases, along with Inscape (which they bought in 2012 for $85 million), “positions us as a leader in the rapidly-growing area of enterprise talent management. In today’s knowledge-based economy, organizations of all different shapes and sizes […]
People, Awards, Etc.
At Bloomsbury, Kathy Belden has been promoted to senior executive editor. Sara Sciuto is joining Foreword Literary as an agent, specializing in children’s books. She was previously an agent with Full Circle Literary. Ian McEwan‘s novel THE CHILDREN ACT, already announced for UK publication this fall by Jonathan Cape, will also be issued by Nan A. Talese on September 9 (listed at 192 pages). Gabriel García Márquez has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home following treatment for a lung and urinary tract infection. Philip Roth will receive Yaddo’s inaugural artist medal at a ceremony in May. […]
People: Tamblyn Promoted, and More
Kobo chief content officer and member of the founding executive team Michael Tamblyn has been promoted to the additional title of president. In the expanded role, Tamblyn will have “responsibilities for sales, publisher and industry relations, content acquisition, and the merchandising experience across Kobo’s E Ink eReaders, Android tablets, and reading apps,” working with recently-appointed CEO Taka Aiki to “continue expanding on the company’s eReading service around the world, while driving the company’s success through sustainable and long-term profitable growth.” Penguin Random House announced a number of promotions in its newly unified Human Resources department, overseen by evp, chief human […]