Alex Malarkey, the quadriplegic boy whose story comprised the 2010 bestseller The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, which was later determined to be a fabrication concocted by his father, has sued Tyndale House for defamation, appropriation of his likeness, and exploitation of a person with a disability, all stemming from the core complaint that the book, was allegedly “based on lies.” According to the 32-page complaint filed in DuPage County, Illinois circuit court (and obtained by Courthouse News) Tyndale House “has made millions of dollars off Alex’s identity and an alleged autobiographical story of his life” but in spite […]
Harper Lee Estate Sues Broadway Producers Over Aaron Sorkin’s Mockingbird Adapation
The forthcoming stage adaptation of Harper Lee’s TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, scripted by Aaron Sorkin and produced by Scott Rudin, is slated to open on Broadway this fall. The production’s opening is now in question after Harper Lee’s estate — represented by Tonja B. Carter — sued Rudin’s production company Rudinplay in an Alabama Federal court, claiming that Sorkin’s script violates an agreement that “the play shall not derogate or depart in any manner from the spirit of the novel nor alter its characters.” Harper Lee licensed Rudin an option to produce a new stage adaptation of MOCKINGBIRD on June […]
Milo Withdraws Lawsuit Against Simon & Schuster
Milo Yiannopoulos’s unintentional comedy show/performance piece known as his breach of contract lawsuit against Simon & Schuster, seeking $10 million, has come to an end. Playing the final, brief role of lawyer, representing himself, Yiannopoulos discontinued his lawsuit with prejudice (meaning this is final) in a filing posted to the docket Tuesday, and dated February 15 by the parties. Simon & Schuster said in a brief statement: “We are pleased that Mr. Yiannopoulos’ lawsuit has been withdrawn, with prejudice, and with no payment from Simon & Schuster. We stand by our decision to terminate the publication of Mr. Yiannopoulos’ book.”
Attorney Milo Doesn’t Get Far In First Hearing
Milo Yiannopoulos made his first appearance in court Thursday playing the role of his own attorney, with little success. So far, Judge Barry Ostrager is siding with defendant Simon & Schuster in allowing them to designate some of the materials in discovery as for “attorney’s eyes only” — and will not give Yiannopoulos access, regardless of his role. “Those documents frankly have nothing whatsoever to do with the substantive merits of your case,” Judge Ostrager said, noting they contain “proprietary financial information.” S&S used Milo’s own loose words in defending their need to keep certain documents away from him. He told […]
A Different Fury: Trump Inspires Free Speech Defenders
President Trump gave a big boost to nonprofits that safeguard freedom of the press yesterday by once again threatening his idea of free speech and libel, which also serves as a tacit admission that last week’s cease and desist letter from his personal attorney to publisher Henry Holt was an intimidation tactic he knows is not supported by law. Trump’s remarks said: “We are going to take a strong look at our country’s libel laws. So that when somebody says something is false and defamatory about someone, that person will have meaningful recourse in our courts. If somebody says something […]
Harper Canada Finally Settles eBook Pricing Case
HarperCollins has reached a consent agreement with Canada’s Competition Bureau related to the introduction of agency ebook pricing there, a year after the other parties had settled. Hachette, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster and Apple all entered into consent agreements in January 2017, but Harper had resisted. They said, in part, “HarperCollins Canada is confident in its position that there is no violation of Canadian competition law and will vigorously defend itself against the allegations made by the Commissioner.” As a result, the Bureau asked the Competition Tribunal for harsher restrictions on Harper Canada. In a statement, the CCB says that “the […]