As some observers had anticipated, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission announced that it will deliver its report some time in January 2011 rather than on December 15, as previously planned. They say “the additional time will allow the Commission to produce and disseminate a report which best serves the public interest and more fully informs the President, the Congress and the American people about the facts and causes of the crisis.” The Commission and new trade publisher Public Affairs are expected to announce a new publication date shortly.
New Releases/Forthcoming
Bush Sells 775,000 Copies In First Week On Sale
Crown says that they have recorded sales of 775,000 copies for former President George Bush’s DECISION POINTS in its first week on sale in all editions, including ebooks, audio and export editions. As was the case with the opening-day sale, they say it’s the largest first-week sale for any nonfiction title published by Random House, Inc. since former President Bill Clinton’s book in 2004. eBooks comprised “more than 100,000 copies, or approximately 14 percent of all units” sold (and at least 50,000 ebooks were sold the first day by the company’s prior report). Crown says they have reprinted another 350,000 […]
Wimpy Kid More Nearly Doubles Hefty Bush Opening-Day Sales
Jeff Kinney’s DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: The Ugly Truth, the fifth in his bestselling series, sold over 375,000 copies in its first day on sale according to publisher Abrams. The launch included an event at Book People in Austin, TX, where the author addressed over 1,600 fans to kick off his tour. The specially-branded tour bus will take Kinney to events in Little Rock, Memphis, Nashville, and Birmingham, AL, with up to 2,000 fans expected in the various venues. That opening-day sale is said to be up 50 percent from the big first day for the fourth book in […]
The Press Has Bush Book
Following initial teasers in the Drudge Report, former President George Bush’s memoir is showing up on news desks. The NY Times says Bush writes that he considered dropping Dick Cheney from the ticket in 2004 in favor of Senator Bill Frist as “one way to demonstrate that I was in charge.” The funny part is that it was Cheney’s idea. They note the book indicates “Cheney clearly pushed Mr. Bush toward war” in Iraq. Cheney asked in 2002, “Are you going to take care of this guy, or not?” He does give “a more expansive self-critique than he did while […]
Excerpts In the News: Drudge Reads Bush, Carter in VF
The Drudge Report goes first with modest excerpts from former President George Bush‘s DECISION POINTS, ahead of its November 9 release, declaring it “a strikingly personal work that takes very few shots at his critics.” They say Bush indicates he gave orders to shoot down planes in US airspace on 9/11 and thought the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania had been shot out of the air. On his battle to block stem-cell research, “I did feel a responsibility to voice my pro-life convictions and lead the country toward what Pope John Paul II called a culture of life.” He also […]
“Roger Sterling” Gets A Book Deal
Grove/Atlantic will publish the “memoir” of TV’s Mad Men character Roger Sterling, STERLING’S GOLD: The Wit and Wisdom of An Ad Man, next month as a slim $16.95 hardcover. As NY Magazine reports, publisher Morgan Entrekin is a friend of Kieth Addis, manager of the show’s creator Matthew Weiner. In a brief introductory excerpt on the Grove website, Sterling writes: “So here it is . . . a few things overheard, a few things to live by, and hell,a few things I’ve apparently said and had repeated to me the morning after a party when I called to make amends.”NY […]