One of the questions about Alice Schroeder’s authorized book about Warren Buffett, SNOWBALL, was always whether Buffett would participate in the promotion of the project. (Final bidders in the presumed $7 million-plus auction met with him in Omaha before the deal was sealed.) Bantam publisher Irwyn Applebaum acknowledges that no promises were made on that front. He tells the WSJ: “He gave her access to his contacts, his friends and the opportunity to get to know him better than any other writer, which is what makes the book so outstanding.” He added, “Would we love to have Warren Buffett doing […]
New Releases/Forthcoming
Caro on His Final LBJ Book
With the centennial of Lydon Baines Johnson’s birthday approaching, author Robert Caro discusses his fourth, final and “very long” book on LBJ with the AP: “The historian says he has completed the opening section of his fourth LBJ book, filling hundreds of pages just to tell of Johnson’s brief, unhappy vice presidency under John Kennedy, concluding with Johnson being sworn in as president after Kennedy’s assassination… He is reluctant to reveal details, but says the Kennedys will be ‘more than characters; they are protagonists in this book.’ “Caro tells of the 1960 presidential election, when Johnson and John Kennedy battled […]
Fall Books at NY Mag
As part of their fall preview issue, NY Magazine looks at a variety of authors and forthcoming books, highlighting (in short pieces0 Toni Morrison; Philip Roth and John Updike; Hannah Tinti; Amitav Gosh; Roberto Bolano; Marilyn Robinson; and Curtis Sittenfeld.Books preview home page The section includes a look at the “season”: short month-by-month highlights.
Rushdie Wins Some Concessions from Author
Salman Rushdie’s lawyer Mark Stephens says that author of On Her Majesty’s Service Ron Evans has “accepted that much of the story published in the Mail on Sunday [excerpted from the forthcoming book] was false,” adding that Evans “was a police driver making out he was an armed special protection officer.” Stephens also says that “the authors have admitted that there were falsehoods in the original manuscript and have made amendments accordingly.” Publisher John Blake expects to have a revised version of the book ready for release next week.Guardian
Goodkind e-book a Kindle Exclusive
NYT Bestseller and fantasy novelist Terry Goodkind’s first novel, Wizard’s First Rule, originally published in 1994, is released today in e-book exclusively on Kindle from Rosetta Books. This is Goodkind’s first appearance of in e-book format. His agent, Russell Galen, said: “Terry believes deeply that the power of novels is connected in part to the physical experience of reading a printed book, and so for years he refused to permit electronic editions of his work. A hands-on demonstration of the Kindle convinced him that here at last was a technology which provided that powerful reading experience.”
New Woodward Announced
Simon & Schuster has announced the title of Bob Woodward’s new book: THE WAR WITHIN: A Secret White House History 2006-2008–along with the release date of September 8, in what they say will be a 900,000-copy first printing. In a statement editor Alice Mayhew says: “There has not been such an authoritative and intimate account of presidential decision making since the Nixon tapes and the Pentagon Papers. This is the declassification of what went on in secret, behind the scenes.” The Washington Post will excerpt the book on September 7, when the traditional Woodward 60 Minutes episode will air as […]