Whitney Frick will join Flatiron Books as senior editor on October 21. Previously she was an editor at Scribner. Also at Macmillan, Anne Marie Tallberg has been promoted to vp, associate publisher of St. Martin’s Paperbacks and Griffin, as well as publishing director of eBook Originals. In the UK, Jo Unwin is leaving her position as deputy publishing director at Doubleday UK after a brief stretch to return to agenting. Her new Jo Unwin Literary Agency will work in association with Rogers, Coleridge and White, and she will be based in their offices. Bloomsbury Spark, the company’s digital YA and […]
People, Etc.
Another set of Douglas & McIntrye alums — former publisher Trena White and former coo Jesse Finkelstein — have started a new company. Their Page Two Strategies is “a full-service publishing agency” that “will help non-fiction authors navigate their full range of publishing options, including self-publishing, and also provide consulting services to companies looking to develop or expand their own publishing strategies.” Page Two also has an alliance with the Translatlantic Agency, in which White and Finkelstein will represent some nonfiction in a traditional fashion, as associate agents. At Scribner, Kate Lloyd has been promoted to associate director of publicity. […]
People: S&S Editor Among Those Injured In Riverside Attack
Simon & Schuster senior editor Ben Loehnen was among those injured in Tuesday morning’s random slashings in Riverside Park. Loehnen was stabbed in the stomach while walking his dogs. The NYT says “at first [he] thought he had been punched in the gut, but then saw the blood and realized he had been stabbed.” (The attacker was said to wield part of a pair of scissors). We were told informally by others that Loehnen was recovering following surgery, and in an updated version the NYT confirmed he was “doing well.” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said that none of the victims faced life-threatening injuries. The attacker […]
Nook Adds More Executives, and More
There is still no actual ceo for all of Barnes & Noble, but the Nook Media subsidiary has added two more senior executives. Mahesh Veerina will become chief operating officer on October 7. He led the global software and cloud services team of over 2,500 engineers at Motorola Mobility until 2012, and was ceo of Ramp Networks and a vp at Nokia. Doug Carlson is evp of digital content and marketing, effective immediately. Most recently he was executive chairman and managing director for Zinio — which helped create BarnesandNoble.com’s “see inside” the book previews. Both report Nook Media ceo Michael […]
Candlewick editor-at-large Joan Powers has been promoted to group editorial director for the company’s new licensed publishing divisions Candlewick Entertainment and for Walker Entertainment, both of which will launch its first lists in spring 2014. Powers will report to Helen McAleer and will continue to edit select authors for Candlewick. In addition, Kristen Nobles has been promoted group art director for both divisions, reporting to Powers. Clelia Gore will join Martin Literary Management on October 1, where she will oversee the agency’s new children’s division. Mike Conlon has rejoined Red Wheel Weiser Books as production manager, in the company’s Newburyport, […]
People, Etc.
At Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Andrew Smith has been promoted to svp, deputy publisher, executive director of New Business Development, focusing on building the company’s licensing program and expanding its digital initiatives. Of Smith’s promotion, evp, publisher Megan Tingley stated: “In the seven years since he joined Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, the publishing landscape has changed dramatically and Andrew has been a vital and visionary force in developing strategies for success and growth across Editorial, Design, Marketing, Publicity, Subsidiary Rights, and Sales.” Google Play has expanded into nine additional countries in Asia, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, […]