Today we introduce a new feature that people have been requesting for a long time: A community bulletin board/classified ad section for sharing news, offers and opportunities that don’t fit in the day-to-day editorial coverage in Publishers Lunch. Our new Classifieds work just like our very effective, industry-leading Publishers Lunch Job Board. Your posts run for seven days on a dedicated page at, and every Friday we’ll collect the week’s listings in a special section of Publishers Lunch, which you can see below today. Use PL classifieds to offer galleys or office space; announce awards, new clients, press releases, […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Just a reminder for our friends at the Frankfurt Book Fair — or out and about any time. The new PM News App is the perfect way to follow our news, and all of the deals, as they are posted, from your mobile phone. Just go to to fire it up.
Easier Access
Following the rollout of our new PM News App, announced earlier this week, we have a few updates. Most importantly, we simplified the URL to access the app: just go To answer a couple of frequent questions, adding the app’s icon to your home screen depends on the mobile browser you are using. A web search for “add icon to home screen” and your browser should give you the answer you need, though most commonly, in Safari just click the icon at the bottom of the browser window that looks like a rectangle with an arrow as its head, and […]
The PM News App
We are delighted to launch the PM News App, a new way for members to check the latest from Publishers Marketplace on your mobile devices. The PM News App provides easy access to all of our most frequently updated items — starting with Publishers Lunch news posts and Automat links, along with domestic Deals, Job listings, and Rights Board posts. Everything can be read “in app” without having to link back to the site. And while the focus is on the most recent posts, by clicking “load more” in any section you can page your way back in time as […]
Mobile Mavens
Are you a power user wishing for more Marketplace on your mobile devices…? We are finally in the late testing stage with a new mobile PM News App. If you have an individual PM membership and would like an early look and are willing to offer feedback, please email with the subject line Testing, thanks.
Thanks for all of the kind anniversary notes and wishes, which mean a lot to us. In case there’s anyone you would like to share with, for the first 15 days of December we’re offering a promotional code that provides the first month of service for $15 (get it?): Friends and colleagues just need to use the code 1515 on the registration page to qualify.