It’s An Honor Just to be Covering First came the Booker announcement, with Kiran Desai winning for THE INHERITANCE OF LOSS, which the judges called “a magnificent novel of humane breadth and wisdom, comic tenderness and powerful political acuteness.” At 35, she’s the youngest women ever to win the award. In accepting, she honored her mother Anita, nominated three times for the Booker: “The debt I owe to my mother is so profound that I feel the book is hers as much as mine. It was written in her company and in her wisdom and kindness.” Richard Charkin plays with […]
Lunch for Tuesday, October 10
Prize Time(s) In recent years the Booker proceedings have been televised live, though tonight the winner will be announced at 10 pm London time on the BBC News. Which is just hours before the Quill Awards unfold, this year viewable by webcast. By tomorrow at 12:30 Eastern you can move on to the nominees for the NBCC awards. WNBC Rugged Relocated Rugged Land is making yet another distribution move, from Random House to CDS, as of November 1. The companies originally agreed on distribution just for two titles following on the success of their breakout book/DVD combo FAVRE, focusing on […]
Lunch for Monday, October 9
Brainless Author Now Jobless Reuters editor Joe Maguire “no longer works” for the wire service after giving his boss a galley of his forthcoming book Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter, though “neither side in this dispute would say that he was fired,” according to the NYT. Reuters did “confirm that Mr. Maguire was granted conditional approval to write his book on Ms. Coulter.” In a statement trying to explain why he doesn’t work there any more, the service cited their principles of “integrity, independence and freedom from bias.” An employee who worked under Maguire says that when […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, October 9
Monday, October 9 Advertisement Pace Universitys Master of Science publishing program gives you the edge you need in todays competitive publishing industry. This unique program covers all aspects of the publishing business-book, magazine, newspaper and electronic-as well as editing, finance, production, sales, marketing, circulation, acquisitions and subsidiary rights. The program offers well-known professors, cutting-edge technology and on-line courses. Attend an information session on Tuesday, October 17th at our Midtown Center, 551 Fifth Avenue, at 5:30pm or Thursday, November 16th online at To learn more about the publishing program click here or to apply for the program click here. Our […]
Lunch for Friday, October 6
Best Year-End Release Simon & Schuster finally acknowledged their forthcoming book from Bob Greene, THE BEST LIFE DIET, with a foreword from his best-known follower Oprah Winfrey, which will publish on December 26, at $26. The book “presents an easy-to-follow life-long eating plan that will empower readers to take weight off and keep it off, addressing not only readers’ nutritional needs but also their activity level.” Winfrey’s foreword will credit Greene with helping her control her life-long battle with eating and weight. Nobel Date Set The Nobel Prize for Literature will be announced next Thursday at 1:00 (Swedish time). The […]
Lunch for Thursday, October 5
So a Reporter Walks Into a Bookstore The NYT has great luck buying embargoed books from bookstores (notice they never indicate if they pay more than retail price). Today’s get is Carly Fiorina though, having beaten everyone to the book, the paper can’t seem to find much in the way of revelations. Fiorina admits that she authorized the initial investigation into leaks from the HP board. Less of a surprise is that she “reveals a good deal of resentment over her firing.” NYT If you’re still wanting to catch up on the Bob Woodward’s STATE ON DENIAL, Slate has prepared […]